Force Sight - part 5

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"AHHH!" This time Ezra screamed and fell off the bed - again.

"Ha ha ha!" Even though she hadn't been able to see it because they let go of hands, Sabine still found it fun to listen to.

"You can see?!" Ezra shrieked as soon as he stood up. Sabine momentarily contemplated saying no, because at this very moment that was true. But she knew what he meant, so she nodded 'yes'.

"Oh my Force," Ezra ran his hand through his hair. "Sabine, that's so incredible..." He was, for once, at a loss for words. Sabine grinned at him. She then gently held her left hand up, wordlessly asking his to take it. Ezra gently grasped it, and Sabine could see again.

"Wow," she breathed. It hadn't been very long that she was sightless, but she had already been thinking about how she was going to live blind. Now, well she was still blind, but she had a way to see.

Opening her eyes Sabine saw herself, and realized that she must be looking through Ezra's eyes.

'That's weird,' she thought to herself. She figured she'd make certain that's what it was.

"Ezra can you look around please? I think I'm seeing through your eyes." Ezra's eyes widened but he replied, "Sure," and looked around the room. He said everything he saw as his eyes landed on it, never releasing her hand.

"So I'm looking at the door now...and there's one of the cabinet here's my I'm looking at the other cabinet wall..." Everything he said matched up with what Sabine saw. She let him continue though, not sure if she was happy about that or not.

"...aaand, we're back to the door. Wait,.....Zeb?"

"Zeb!" Sabine yelled, seeing him walk through the door. Then she saw Hera, and then Kanan.

"Hera, Kanan, what's up guys?" She said excitedly. The three of them froze in the doorway, and you can't really blame them. They walked in to the medbay, expecting to find two teens sound asleep, but instead they find Ezra standing next to Sabines bed holding her hand, and Sabine, who was supposed to be blind, was literally calling out the names of the people coming in the room. Just a little unexpected.

"Uh, Sabine? How did you now it was us walking through the door?" Zeb asked cautiously. He felt trickery in the room and wasn't in the mood to be the butt of a joke.

Sabine rolled her eyes, deciding to play with it.

"Zeb, how else would I know? I could smell you the minute you came in." Zebs eyes widened, then he growled as everyone else laughed.

"Yeah, real funny Sabs. I'll get you for that..." he muttered under his breath.

Once they had stopped laughing Kanan broke in.

"What really happened Sabine? The force is strong in the room, I can feel it." Sabine saw herself through Ezra's eyes, and she knew he was asking if she wanted to say it. She nodded, and Ezra went back to looking at Kanan.

She gestured with her right hand for all of them to come closer, and they did, Hera sitting at the edge of the bed while the three men stood. She told them everything that had happened, right up to when they just came in. Ezra was looking at Hera, but Sabine wanted to look at Kanan, so she grabbed his pointer finger and pointed it in the direction of Kanan. Ezra looked down at his hand, and then figured out what she was telling him. He then looked at Kanan, and Sabine squeezed his hand, grateful he had gotten the message.

"So Kanan, any thoughts? Please tell me how this happened? I love being able to see, even if it's through someone else's eyes, but I would love to know how this is working." Kanan stayed silent for s moment, contemplating his answer, knowing Sabine would put a lot of weight in it.

He looked up and turned to her, but then turned to Ezra, so it would be more real for her. He began speaking slowly.

"Like I said when I first came in, the force is very strong in here. I believe when you were struck with that lightning, it was a bolt of almost pure force. I think that since your a non Force wielder, it affected you negatively, resulting with you immediately being blind." He took a breath and continued.

"But I think also that some of the Force has stayed in you. You have been imparted with the Force, so it now resides in you. Not nearly as much as someone born with the force, but enough that it affects you.

"When Ezra picked you up after you were struck you were still, let's say, unstable. The force in him and the force in you immediately connected. My guess is that you would have been able to see when he picked you up had you not been unconscious." Kanan took a break and scratched his beard. Sabine thought about this.

"So," she started slowly. "Basically, I have some Force in me, and I'm blind, but I can see when Ezra touches me because our Force-ness is connected? Am I getting this?" They all laughed.

Kanan replied, "Yes, and while there is a much simpler way of saying it, you basically got it." Sabine nodded, and then thought about what the Jedi Knight had said.

"Ooh," she began as the thought hit her. "I'm a force wielding Mandalorian? Awesome!" Zeb smacked her on the back gently.

"Always wanted one of those," he said grinning. Kanan knew he had to fix this before she began thinking she was a Jedi or something.

"Well, Force wielder isn't the word I would use, seeing as you can't actually wield the force." She nodded, a little bummed, but accepting nonetheless.

Hera's comm beeped right then and she excused herself to deal with it. Sabine, with the help of Ezra, stood up and walked around, never releasing hands, a fact Zeb was already putting to good use.

"Aw, look at the little love birds, walking around hand in han-OWWW!!!" Before he could finish, a left roundhouse from Ezra and a right straight punch from Sabine connected on the Lasat. He backed up, clutching his shoulder and gut, muttering menacing threats under his breath.

Ezra and Sabine chuckled to hide their blushing, but Ezra knew Kanan could look deeper than the face. He felt Kanan quietly in his mind, and just as quietly Ezra put his blockers up. He was not having this conversation here or now.

Thankfully Hera came back just then.

"Alright guys, quit goofing off, it's time to go to work."

"A mission?" Ezra said eagerly.

Hera smiled, though it oddly didn't look happy.


It's short, I know, but it's basically the most informative chapter eye so 😂 Hope you enjoyed it! Get ready for a mission; this is about to get exciting


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