Force Sight - part 8

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Last part (I think) in my Force Sight series!!! Hope you'll enjoy it. This took a lot of thought, and I think it only fair to warn you; this is SUPER long. Like thousand of words long. Like maybe I should have made another part long. So, hope you like long parts, cause you'll really enjoy the following!!

Time was out, but even as the thought occurred to Kanan, the same time began to slow down. The monster they called Haunted now seemed to embody the name, as his face appeared to glow with pleasure the closer Ezra got.

Ezra's face was contorted with terror only twenty feet away from the beast. But as Kanan watched in slow mode, the teens face froze; then it relaxed, and he closed his eyes.

Kanan couldn't believe what he was watching. Ezra was just giving up? That was so unlike him! Kanan continued watching through his deep connection to the Force that let him 'see', and he struggled to fight the hold Haunted had on him, but it was in vain. There really was nothing he, Kanan Jarrus, Jedi Knight, could do to help his son. Kanan blocked himself from the force so he didn't have to watch. The last he saw of Ezra was him ten feet away, his face a blank mask, Haunted posed in victory.

Kanan closed his sightless eyes. His only regret was that it was Ezra and not him out there.


And then a sound. It sounded like the Force; not the force that Haunted was using, but the light side force. Jedi can tell the difference, and Kanan definitely knew this was light side Force.

But it wasn't his, and Ezra couldn't move; what was going on?


Sabine cried her heart out for the second time in her life. The knife Hera had stabbed in her moments ago seemed to be twisting, digging deeper, and Sabine could do nothing against it. One of her worst fears had come true; she had become useless, extra, just another person, someone who would probably end up a beggar cause the blind can't work. Her tears soaked her face, and she felt underwater.

The only thing she had to hang onto right now was Ezra. He didn't seem to mind her new disability. She sniffed as she thought of him, and unconsciously began reaching out to him. The more she thought of him, the more she felt herself  gravitating to him, pulling at him, wishing she could be at his side, right now. The pull became stronger, and suddenly she felt weird. She felt like Ezra was trying to pull her back toward him too!

'But that's impossible,' Sabine thought. But something in her told her it wasn't. It was almost an audible voice.

'Sabine, it's not impossible.' Now she was hearing things?! 'No, your not hearing things. Well, I mean I guess you are, if your hearing me. But if you can hear me, I need a favor-like right now. Can you picture me in your mind, as strong as you can? And then picture yourself next to me. I think this will work...'

Ezra. Was in. Her mind.

'Yes I'm in your mind, we've already been over that, now could you please do as I've asked? We're kinda on a time crunch here!'

Sabine shook her head. At least she was alone, and if this really was just her, no one had to know about it.

'Except me.'

'Shut up Ezra!' She shouted in her mind. The voice-thing went quiet, and Sabine figured she would do as it asked. Worst case scenario, she just got happy by thinking of Ezra. Best case, this would work. She smiled and did as the voice asked.

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