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Hi guys! I'm baaaack!! Who knows for how long, but I was on here the other day and we so inspired when I saw this this is at nearly 30K reads!! What?!?! I love all you rebels!! Keep it up guys!! And without further ado, I give you, Family (set after s1 e9 Gathering Forces)

Ezra sat in the gunners seat, looking at all the trillions of stars in the galaxy, while troubling thoughts flitted through his mind. He was deep in thought when he heard the door swoosh open behind him, and the soft footsteps of Sabine enter in.

"Rough couple of days?" Sabine said, more as a comment than a question. Ezra lowered his eyes.

"Yeah, it's been, strange." He hugged himself tighter, remembering what is felt like to have his mothers gentle arms wrapped around him, keeping him safe.

Sabine walked over to his right. "I have just what you need." She proudly displayed a holodisk for him to see. "It's the holodisk you found at your old house. It was a little degraded, but I was able to clean it up, and I found something."

Sabine plugged the disk into the player and hit a button. Ezra watched her until he heard a noise, then turned back in his seat, to see a holo picture of him with his mum and dad. His eyes grow large.

"Mom? Dad!" He slowly reaches out and touches them, another wave of sadness hitting him suddenly, but followed quickly by thankfulness for Sabine. He sat back in the gunners seat and hugged himself.

"Happy Birthday Ezra Bridger." She tousled his hair, making the youth smile, then turned to leave.

"Sabine?" His vulnerable voice her stop. "Yes?" It was a moment before Ezra replied.

"Will, will you stay with me a while?" The quiver in his voice made her heart melt, and she walked back to where the young Jedi sat. Without turning to look at her, he put his hand palm up on the arm rest, and she put her hand in it. He squeezed, grateful that, for the first time in a long time, he had a friend who would help him get through this day.

They both stared at the stars for a while, before Ezra spoke. "Sabine, do you remember what your family was like?" The question caught her off guard. She decided she preferred the staring at the stars Ezra over the reminiscing about the past Ezra.

Unlike Ezra, she didn't like thinking about her family. They had hurt her, and she had hurt them, deeply. She tried to leave all emotion out as she replied to Ezra, hoping whatever she said would make him content.

"It's been a long time since I've seen them, but yes, I remember them. I remember my mother, Ursa. She is a warrior, as fierce a fighter I've ever seen. My father Alrich isn't nearly as much of a fighter. He is more into art. He's where I get my artistic flare from. My brother Tristan is more like my mother, a fighter, though he had his times of recklessness."

Sabine sniffed quietly and looked away. She missed her family terribly, but knew she could never go back. It was why she never spent much time thinking about them.


Ezra felt her emotion, her confliction, but had no idea what she was going through. Honestly he just learned more about her than he had in the several months he had known her.

But Ezra did understand the pain of missed family. On that note, he squeezed her hand gently, sending her comfort through the force. He knew what it was like to be separated from parents. It was a feeling like no other.


Sabine felt Ezra's supports and was grateful for it. But she was done talking about herself. She decided to turn his question back on him.

"So, bud, how about you?" She wiped her eyes with her free hand while talking. "Do you remember your parents?" Ezra was quiet, and turning her head she saw he was looking at the picture of his parents. He reached out and brushed his finger over his mothers head, as if to brush away the hair in her face. Pulling back, he sighed.

"My father was Ephraim Bridger. He wasn't home a lot of the time, and he was a little rough around the edges, but he was always saying how he loved me, how he loved us. I'll never forget, when he was gone for three days, and I was so worried I would never see him again. But then he came back. And, when I wouldn't look him in the eye, he gently lifted my chin until I had to meet his eyes. I expected disappointed, sad eyes. But they were bright, and so full of love. He told me that, no matter what happens, no matter how long he was gone, or even someday, if him and mom were gone; he promised he still loved me. And that he always would."

Sabine covered her mouth with her hand, partially for Ezra, but mostly because she was thinking of her family. Mandalorian's weren't big on expressing love, even in the family, and Sabine struggled to remember a time when she heard any of her family members telling her they loved her. Then she closed her eyes as she realized; she had never told them she loved them.

Ezra continued on, not sensing Sabine's pain.

"My mother's name was Mira Bridger. She had a sweet voice, soft, yet strong, and was afraid of nothing. At least, that's what I remember thinking back when I was still with them. Every time she saw a stormtrooper around the corner, she would just keep walking. I would freeze in fear, or try to find a rock to throw at them, but mom would never let me. She would always take the rock from my hand and say, 'Ezra, we don't fight evil with evil. We fight evil with love.'"

Ezra pulled his hand through his hair. "I never understood what she meant, until I found you guys. You, all love each other, so much, and you love the people of the galaxy who are hurting. You all risk your lives to help them; why? I couldn't figure it out. But now I know it's because you care. People you've never met, on planets you've never been to, you guys truly care what happens to them. I speak from experience, I mean, I was Stealing from you guys, yet you brought me in, gave me a new home." He looked at the stars, then turned and looked in Sabine's eyes.

"You gave me a new family."

Sabine felt the emotions she had been trying so hard to hide surface, and the dam broke. Her tears flowed freely, and so did Ezra's. He stood up from his chair and the two hugged it out, shoulders shaking, eyes leaking. Before they knew it more arms were around them, as the eavesdropping Hera and Kanan and Zeb entered and joined the group hug. Ezra wasn't even mad; he was only grateful the ones he had come to see as family were here with him.

Even Chopper came in, though he was more there for emotional support, as the little guy was still working on how to hug.

After some time of hugging, Chopper grew tired, and zapped Zeb, hoping it would cheer his family up. Zeb roared his displeasure, and dove for the droid. Chirping in delight, Chopper easily avoided the beast and zipped over to Ezra, zapping him next.

"OOWWW, you bucket of bolts, you are so dead!" Both Zeb and Ezra broke from the group and chased the maniacal droid down the hall, yelling empty yet loud threats of imminent death. Hera, Kanan and Sabine stayed back, laughing, listening to the two. Hera placer her hand on Kanan's chest, resting her head on his shoulder, and Sabine leaned against his other side. Kanan held them both close, remembering something his master had once told him: there are some bonds that are stronger than blood. And that, Kanan knew, was what he had, right here.

💕❤️💕❤️ Let me know what you think in the comments! I wanted to ease my way back into this, and thought this was the perfect way, incorporating everyone into it, while still having some Sabezra moments ❣️
Love you guys! Stay rebels!

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