Chapter Two - Obsidian

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(All Rights Reserved ©2018)

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(All Rights Reserved ©2018)

Chapter Two


Nevaeh rolled over to her side as she woke thinking to her self how comfortable her bed had become. It had never been this soft to her before. She slipped out of bed with the intention of going to the dorm facilities but when she saw a tall window where the hall door usually was she twirled around in horror as she realized that she was not in her dorm room. Instead, she was in a large yet exquisite room with antique furniture and a large canopy bed.

She gasped and then heard a small movement in the corner of the room. There, sat a man in the darkest shadows of the room staring at her. She dared not to move as she stood still waiting; for anything.

"I'm sorry for frightening you," his deep smooth voice said while he too stayed still.

"Wh-where am I?" she asked more calmly than she expected except for the tad stutter.

"My home... We found you in the woods unconscious and bleeding to death," he answered.

She quickly looked to her arm and briefly remembered the fall and then grabbed her neck; wincing in pain from touching it. She then looked back up to the mysterious man in the corner.

"You did this?" she said while pointing to the bandages.

"No, my brother did," he answered.

"Thank you," she whispered. "May I use your phone?"

"We do not own one," he answered plainly.

Nevaeh found that to be odd. "Could you be so kind and take me home then?" she asked sweetly.

"I can not," he answered in plain monotone.

This frightened Nevaeh and she began to look around. Just then the door opened and three figures walked through. Nevaeh backed towards the window; clutching her arm that began to throb with her quickening heart beat.

"Why didn't you call and tell us she was awake?" a young voice asked the man in the corner.

One of the figures held a lantern and Nevaeh saw that there were now four men in the room with her. She began to panic; worried of what they might do to her.

All four heard the spike in her heart rate and looked to one another before looking back to her frieghtened face. A long awkward and silent moment passed by before Nevaeh was brave enough to ask again.

"Can one of you please take me home?" her voice quivered as she tried her best to make it not sound like she was begging but she couldn't help it; she was absolutely panicked.

She heard one of them sigh and she looked towards him in puzzlement; the one in the dark corner.

"We will have to discuss that later but for now you must rest. We will get you something to eat and drink. What would you like?" another voice asked.

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