Chapter 16 - Whole

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Nevaeh dripped blood into Justin's lifeless mouth until she began to feel woozy. Seeing her sway on her feet, Vasska let go of Justin's head and ran to Nevaeh. He caught her just as she swayed again, held her in his arms and carried her back to the porch where Avery was still comforting a distraught Keagan.

Keagan still cried a dry sob as Avery patted and rubbed his back. Vasska held on to Nevaeh. She gently rested her head on his chest and closed her eyes in hopes to make the world stop spinning.

Nevaeh sighed and felt tears threatening to fall. "I guess I was wrong." She sniffled.

"What were you wrong about?"

Everyone gasped and looked up to the pyre where a now a live Justin sat with his feet dangling off the side.

"I really hope this wasn't meant for me." Justin smiled as he looked over the pyre  under him.

Keagan took off so fast he disappeared from Nevaeh's sight until he careened into Justin's body, wailing louder than ever.

"I'm ok Keagan. Shh. Shh. Come now, calm down." Justin said in a happy-go-lucky tone as he tried to soothe Keagan.

"I thought I lost you," Keagan whimpered out.

"It worked." Avery gasped.

Nevaeh still in Vasska grip, cried with joy. She still felt too light headed to get up but wanted to go to Justin. She began to wiggle out of Vasska's arms when he held her tighter.

"Oh no your not. You're liable to fall over." He said as he lifted her up and carried her over to Justin and Keagan. Truth be told he just couldn't let his self let her go just yet.

"So what happened? How did we get home?" Justin asked as he looked to each of them confused.

Since Keagan couldn't speak just yet, Vasska filled him in on the details. Justin was shocked to learn that he had been killed and even more so to find out that Nevaeh's blood brought him back.

"How did Nevaeh's blood bring me back?" Justin asked no one in particular.

"She is half vampire and half wood nymph." Avery answered him.

"Wood nymph? Hmm... Vampire? Seriously?" Justin was surprised.

"Yea, her father was the one who killed you." Keagan, still recovering from shock of losing Justin and then the shock of him alive again, informed him.

"That was your father?" An appalled Justin asked Nevaeh.

"So he and my grandmother say or said." She smiled at Justin. She was relieved her friend was alive.

Everyone made their way inside. Vasska took Nevaeh into the kitchen to get her something to drink and eat so she could build her strength back up. She had been through a lot and he was worried about her but most of all he was relieved he had her back.

After Keagan cooked Nevaeh something nourishing, he and Justin left to hunt. Justin's thirst was scorching his throat and he couldn't bear it much longer. Nevaeh's scent wasn't helping him either.

Vasska and Avery stayed with Nevaeh. Guarding her like mother hens. Vasska even sat in the antique arm chair at the foot of her bed while she slept. He didn't want to let her out of his sight.

"You are going to have to hunt as soon as Justin and Keagan return." Avery said in a whisper as he entered Nevaeh's room.

"No. I can't leave. The last time I did she was taken." Vasska snapped at Avery.

"I won't let her out of my sight. Besides, I am sure you will get back before she wakes." He tried to reason with Vasska.

"No." Vasska spoke a little more loudly and forcibly. Nevaeh stirred in her sleep from the sound but didn't wake.

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