Chapter Nine - Opening Up

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Chapter Nine

Opening Up

"So Nevaeh, what is it you like to do in your spare time?" Keagan asked her as he cooked her breakfast, the warm aroma making her stomach growl.

"Well, I used to walk through the woods and...." she paused with a sigh. "And now that I'm here I can not."

Keagan turned to her with a sympathetic grin. "I'm sorry. I suppose once you have been here for a while the guys will allow you to roam more freely. It's not like you could make it out of the forest before we could find you anyway," he smiled apologetically for his remark and placed her breakfast in front of her.

Nevaeh sighed and took bite of her food slowly, no longer eager to taste the delicious ham and cheese omelet and hash-browns.

"I'll play a game with you if you want," Keagan told her, his smile creeping up on his face.

"What kind of games?"

"Well, we have a play station three, a Wii, an Xbox, and even an old Atari." Keagan was so bubbly that Nevaeh couldn't help but offer him a smile.

"Any chess, checkers, cards, or board games?"

"Yea, we have those too. Which one do you want to play?"

"Cards," she smiled.

"Great!" Keagan went right away to get the cards, speeding in his vampire speed and causing Nevaeh to gasp.

She didn't know if she would ever get used to that. She hoped she wouldn't be there much longer to need to get use to it.

After she finished her breakfast they played, talked and laughed occasionally. Nevaeh felt at ease with Keagan. He was so childish in ways and goofy. The other three guys listened to them talking and would occasionally walk by the kitchen to get a glimpse.

"Do you miss your school?" Keagan asked.

Avery cursed under his breath after hearing Keagan's question because he didn't want Nevaeh to feel sad.
Keagan being Keagan just ignored it.

"Not really. The only thing I miss is my violin," she admitted openly. She had a far away look when she sighed.

Avery and the others were surprised to hear her say that and knew what to do. They were excited because that meant they could hear her play after they got her a violin.

After a while Justin and Avery couldn't stand just listening to them play, chat and giggle so they joined them. Playing for hours of all kinds of card games. Eventually, Keagan cooked her supper and they continued talking lightly.

When Vasska walked in they hadn't noticed the box he held at his side but when he sat at the table with them he placed it in front of Nevaeh.

"Where have you been?" Justin asked him suspiciously.

"Out," Vasska replied bluntly. "Open it Nevaeh; it's for you," incredibly his voice softened as did his eyes as he looked at Nevaeh.

Nevaeh looked curiously but cautiously at Vasska before nodding and opening the box.

She gasped in surprise and tears graced the rim of her eyes. "Thank you Vasska. It's beautiful," Nevaeh cooed as she brushed her fingers along the beautiful violin.

"Please play something," Keagan said with a huge grin.

Vasska hit Keagan in the back of the head for beating him to ask Nevaeh to play. Keagan looked up to Vasska with a questioning glance until he saw his angry expression and then quickly turned back to Nevaeh.

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