Chapter 19 - Dark Hunger

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Chapter 19

Dark Hunger


Nevaeh woke to the sound of their flight being called over the intercom. It was time to board.

Nevaeh was surprised at where the stewardess was leading them.

"First class?" Nevaeh asked Vasska with a cute expression of curiosity.

"Yes. Is that a problem?" Vasska asked her while being playfully sarcastic.

"No!" She blurted then blushed and took her seat. "I just didn't-"

"Think vampires fly first class?" Vasska chuckled.

"I'm half remember," Nevaeh whispered as she pointed to herself.

Vasska smiled and nodded before taking his seat next to her.

They remained quiet until after take off and then it was like you couldn't get either of them to stop talking. Vasska loved it that Nevaeh was being so talkitive. He realized he hadn't smiled or laughed that much in decades. Nevaeh loved that he seemed to be more open with her.

Vasska told her funny stories about Keagan and Justin. One story of how they ran into a few alley cats that thought they were trying to steal their trash can meal. Usually animals flee from vampires but with Keagan's luck these alley cats thought they were tuff enough and decided to pounce on two unsuspecting vampires.

Vasska loved Nevaeh's laugh. He beamed with delight each time she would laugh.

"Can I get you two anything to drink?" The flight attendant asked.

"Nevaeh?" Vasska asked.

Nevaeh liked her name being said by him. She smilled, "Yes, a bottle of water please."

"Nothing for me thank you," Vasska told the flight attendant.

After the attendant left, Vasska leaned over to whisper to Nevaeh. "What would you like to eat? They will be serving an inflight meal soon."

"What are you going to pretend to eat?" Nevaeh giggled.

"Anything you get I suppose," Vasska answered.

"What ever they have as long as it's not one of those kosher meals," she laughed again.

The flight attendant brought Nevaeh's water and Vasska told her what they wanted to eat before she left them again. Once full, Nevaeh began to yawn again and Vasska had the flight attendant bring her a pillow and a blanket.

Vasska watched her as she slept and occassionally stroked her hair.

"Newly weds?" The flight attendant whispered as she walked by.

"No," Vasska answered in a whisper.

"Oh. I just assumed. You both look so in love! I have seen some newly weds still in their wedding clothes that didn't look as in love as you two do. Can I get you anything to drink or a pillow?" She asked Vasska.

"No thank you."

The flight attendant nodded and left.

Vasska couldn't help but think of what the flight attendant said. He and Nevaeh in love! He knew how he felt about her but could it be true that she had the same feelings as he did for her? He could only hope.

After landing in Florida and leaving the airport, Vasska carried Nevaeh out of town to the hotel they were meeting up with the rest of the guys. Vasska left Nevaeh in a safe but dark area so he could check in alone. He didn't need Nevaeh on any survelance videos. That was something he couldn't avoid at the airports though. At least he ran three hundred miles away to the meeting place.

Nevaeh and Vasska were the first to arrive. Nevaeh jumped in the shower right away. She felt icky after all the traveling. While she enjoyed a steaming shower Keagan and Justin arrived.

"Have you two fed?" Vasska asked them.

"Yes. We just did," Keagan answered.

They had just fed but Nevaeh's strong concentrated scent invaded Justin's scenses. The short time away from her made her scent that much stronger to him. He worked hard to keep his concentration but he was barely able.

"Ok. Good. I need to feed. You two keep her inside and tell her I will bring her something to eat and snack on," Vasska told the guys.

"Sure thing Vasska!" Keagan was happy to be back near Nevaeh.

Vasska noticed how Justin evaded looking at him and kept his eyes to the floor. "Justin?" Vasska called out to him.

Justin kept his eyes on the floor. "Yea?"

Vasska rushed him and with a hand on his face made him look up. "I thought you said you fed?" He spoke angrily.

Justin jerked his face out of Vasska's hand and shoved him away violently. "Lay off man," he growled at Vasska.

"We did Vasska," Keagan reassured as he got a look at Justin's eyes. "Justin?"

"What's wrong with you?" Vasska growled back.

"Nothing," Justin spat. "I must not have fed enough."

"Then you are coming with me," Vasska ordered.

"Fine," Justin growled again.

Vasska looked at Keagan and Keagan looked at Justin who was just looking angrily at Vasska. "Keagan. You and Nevaeh keep quiet and stay inside until we get back."

"Yea," Keagan finally looked at Vasska. He was confused but more concerned about why Justin was still thirsty.

Vasska let Justin leave out first before following. He knew something was not right but he didn't know what. He would keep his eyes on Justin now until he figured it out.

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