Chapter 13 - New Captors

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Chapter 13

New Captors

Vasska enjoyed the time with Nevaeh on the roof but he still kept his emotions on lock down.

Her beautiful dark eyes looked to his and instead of staring into hers he forced himself to look away. Knowing that if he didn't keep himself in check he would slip up and show those ever vulnerable emotions that he didn't want to escape.

What he didn't realize was that everyone was already seeing those emotions leak out every now and then.

The war inside him was unceasing. Her hypnotizing singing, her beautiful obsidian eyes, and her deliciously alluring scent. Each day it got harder to be near her and not touch her or hold her or kiss her. Vasska felt as if he was loosing control and he did not like that. He couldn't.

Nevaeh watched him as he looked away from her, wishing he hadn't. She loved the way his eyes sparkled in the moon light, their deep rich all knowing look. She sighed and Vasska hearing her sigh turned back around but when she saw his eyes this time she gasped.

Vasska looked to her with worry as to why she suddenly looked frightened.

"What happened to your eyes?" she whispered, her voice on the verge of cracking.

His deep rich dark brown eyes were no more instead, they were completely black with a ring of red around where the iris should be.

He looked away again knowing what she saw and he hated himself for that. He stood up abruptly, anger filling him for allowing her sweet smelling blood get to him.

"Nothing," his anger filled tone and body language upset Nevaeh even more.

She slowly stood up while Vasska kept his back to her and made her way back through his window and went anywhere but there. She was confused by his actions, always changing moods. She was frustrated. One minute he seemed to be ok with her presence and the next, he was hostile again.

Nevaeh found herself in the library and decided to hide out in there. Finding a book to read only took a few minutes and she crawled up in a soft arm chair near a lamp. Trying to read and keep her mind from thinking about Vasska, she found that harder than she would have imagined.

Vasska, still on the roof, cursed himself. He made himself stay there so her scent wouldn't flood his senses in the house where they weren't swept away by the night breeze.

"Vasska?" Avery stood behind him. "I have been looking," he instantly silenced when he saw Vasska's eyes. "Oh, sorry man. I didn't mean to take so long. You can go now."

Without saying a word, Vasska jumped from the roof and ran off. Avery shook his head and sighed at his friend's dismay.

After a few minutes of enjoying the early morning colors in the eastern sky he went inside. He wanted to check on Nevaeh but when he reached her room he saw the door open and her bed empty.

Panic filled him as he sniffed the air for her scent. It was still strong so he knew she was close and followed it to the library. There, in the antique arm chair under a lamp, was Nevaeh. Curled up with an open book that was about to fall to the floor from her hand. She had fallen asleep. He stood there admiring her peaceful slumber and her beauty for a few moments.

He took the book, keeping the page she was on marked, and sat it on the desk.

Nevaeh felt her hand move so she opened her eyes to see Avery sit the book on the desk.

He turned around to see her awake. "Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you."

"No, it's alright. I just didn't want to sleep in my room yet."

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