Chapter Five - Cliff

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Chapter Five



Nevaeh began to leave the kitchen for her room of solitude when the other three guys came home. Keagan was the last through the front door and just so happened he forgot that he had to shut it and lock it. Nevaeh watched as they filed into the kitchen with their arms piled high with grocery bags and a few boxes. As they past her they said a quick hello; not noticing the front door wide open but Nevaeh noticed. As the guys turned their backs on her to put the groceries down Nevaeh slowly eased towards the open door backwards while keeping her eyes on the guys.

She knew if they saw her she would just have to bolt for it but they didn't know Keagan left it wide open.

Nevaeh reached the door and bolted thinking she had a good head start on her captors but what she did not know was that they could hear her quickened steps across the wooden porch.

Avery, Vasska and Justin all looked to Keagan and shouted his name as if it were a curse. "KEAGAN."

They jetted from the house and instantly picked up her scent and ran after her.

"SHE'S HEADED FOR THE CLIFF." Vasska yelled in anger. He then pushed his self faster to get to her.

Avery went left and Justin right to flank her but Vasska was the first to catch up to her.

Nevaeh looked behind her to see Vasska closing in faster than any human could and didn't see the cliff's edge; without any warning she ran right off.

She screamed to top of her lungs and it made all of the guys hold their hands over their ears in shear pain from her high pitch. They didn't understand why her scream did that to them but they thought it was too late for her until they heard scream again.

Vasska knelled down over the cliff's edge and saw Nevaeh barely hanging on by a tree root. She screamed out in terror as she saw her doom below her and her captor above her.

"Take my hand." Vasska yelled at her.

Nevaeh hesitated and Vasska growled loudly.

Avery peered over and yelled to her next. "Grab his damn hand or you are going to fall to your death." He too growled.

Nevaeh reached for Vasska's hand but felt her grip slipping. She whimpered and the guys knew she was about to fall.

To the guys it seemed like minuets ticking by but to Nevaeh it was a mere milli-second when Vasska's hand miraculously grabbed her hand just as her grip gave way. She instantly flew over all the guys as Vasska slung her over and she crashed then rolled on to the hard unforgiving earth.

Before she could reopen her eyes the guys had her surrounded. She looked up and her breath caught as she saw all of their black hungry eyes. She didn't understand why they looked like they were about to eat her but when she felt the pain surge in her arm she let out another deafening scream. The guys flinched and watched as Nevaeh's eyes rolled back into her head.

"Oh my gosh. Is she dead?" Keagan spilled out before really thinking about it and got death glares from the others.

"Hear her heart beat moron." Vasska snapped and ran off.

Avery picked the injured Nevaeh up and headed back to the house.

"She has ripped the damn gash open more." Avery cursed as he and Justin cleaned Nevaeh's wound.

Her arm looked more liked a mangled piece of meat than an arm but Avery knew how to fix it. He was thankful that it wasn't broke at least but he knew her arm and wrist would be very painful for a while.

Caring for her arm was more like a minor surgery as he gave her a shot of penicillin, hoping she wasn't allergic, and then pain killer around the would so he could clean it.

Nevaeh's eyes flickered and she whimpered but when she saw that Justin was holding her down and Avery was working on her arm she began to squirm and cry out.

"Be still or I will have to knock you out." Avery snapped at her. "I'm trying to get all the dirt and twigs out of your arm." He tried to concentrate.

Nevaeh closed her eyes and turned her head away from him as she continued to cry. Her breath caught and she was unable to keep the cry's low as they became louder.

"P-please." Was all she could get out.

Vasska walked back into the kitchen from his quick hunt and flinched as he saw Justin holding Nevaeh down on the table while Avery finished stitching her arm up.

"Why don't I just-" Vasska began to ask but Avery cut him off before he could say anymore.

"NO. We can't yet." Avery spoke through his clenched teeth. He was so annoyed at that moment that he could probably tear a house down.

"Done." Avery said and ran out of the house and Justin followed him quickly.

Vasska knew they needed to hunt because he could see it in their eyes so he was left to deal with the girl who still laid on the table crying with her eyes glued shut. He lifted her in his arms and was surprised that she didn't fight him. Nevaeh was exhausted though so she let who ever was carrying her to do so as she kept her eyes closed.

Vasska laid her in the bed and slowly backed away out of her room watching her and feeling things stir within him that only confused him. He closed her door and slid down along the wall until he was on the floor. He put his face in his hands and heaved a sigh as the girl began to cry louder.

Nevaeh woke to screaming somewhere in the house. All of the guys voices were heard but they spoke so fast she couldn't understand a single word. She braced her arm and cringed in pain as she sat up in the bed. Her body was sore and her arm was on fire so she decided a warm bath sounded nice. She locked her bedroom door before entering her bathroom.

"You IDIOT." Justin yelled at Keagan.

"How could you be so irresponsible Keagan?" Avery asked in more calmer tone.

"I forgot about the need to keep the door shut and locked. Come on guys - I'm sorry." Keagan pleaded for understanding.

"She could have been killed." Vasska's teeth were clenched so tight that the 's' in she sounded like a snake.

"We haven't had company here in years, let alone a human." Keagan tried more.

"You have to be more careful from now on Keagan or we may just accidentally kill her. Do you want that to happen?" Avery looked severe at the youngest member of his family.

"Of course. I don't want her to die." Keagan's voice said softer.

Vasska on the other hand began to think that the best thing for them and the girl was to go ahead and kill her. "Why don't we just get rid of her? Her blood is so appeasing; it wouldn't hurt her so much to finish her that way."

Avery, Keagan and Justin looked astounded at their brother. "NO." They all shouted in unison.

"Alright, alright. No eating the girl." Vasska laughed and held his hands up as if to surrender.

"Shhh, do you hear that?" Justin waved his hands.

"She's is taking a bath." Avery said.

They grew silent as they listened for any noise coming from the girl who's name they still did not know.

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