Chapter Seven - The Frightening Truth

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Chapter Seven

The Frightening Truth

Nevaeh finally opened her eyes but once she saw Avery she wanted to shut them again. Remembering she had been kidnapped over ruled the fact that Avery was hot enough to stare at for hours but she was still mad.

"What's wrong?" she asked as she looked around.

"Nothing. I just wanted to make sure you were all right," Avery answered her with a puzzled expression on his face. He was still trying to figure out this girl who he couldn't seem to get out of his head.

Nevaeh found his expression odd but dismissed it when the urge to use the restroom came. She gently moved thinking pain would shoot through out her body but instead there was nothing. In fact, she felt great. She grabbed her arm and gasped in shock.

"How?" she mumbled and probed her arm.

"You've been asleep for two days," Avery answered.

"Yea, but even in two days that gash shouldn't be healed let alone scar free," she examined her arm and then felt her neck. Nevaeh snapped her head up to glare at Avery. She knew he was not telling the truth. "No, I had to of been out longer than two days, more like months."

"No, just two days," he calmly said.

"You're lying. There is no way," Nevaeh was growing aggravated. She sulked and went to the restroom.

The other three guys peeked in the room and snickered at Avery.

"What are you going to tell her?" Keagan whispered to Avery.

"I'm not telling her," Avery snapped back in a whisper too. He was already annoyed.

"Should we tell her?" Justin whispered and Nevaeh caught him say this as she exited the bathroom.

"Yes you should tell me. Tell me now," she demanded and folded her arms across her chest.

The guys all looked to one another before looking back to her.

"We aren't going to tell you anything. You haven't even told us your name so why should we tell you," Vasska snapped rudely back to Nevaeh.

She inhaled quickly as she stared daggers at Vasska and sat in the arm chair at the foot of her bed.

"Nevaeh," she answered coldly.

"Nevaeh. Well now, that wasn't so hard was it?" Vasska remarked sarcastically.

"Are you going to tell me now? How my arm healed without even a trace of a scar?" she asked in her own little sarcasm.

"I don't know, you tell us. It's your body," Vasska impolitely stated.

Nevaeh felt like growling at him and then she remembered when she was hanging on the root. Vasska had growled at her and when he opened his mouth she noticed how sharp his teeth looked. Obviously a hallucination, she thought.

Vasska left the room while Justin and Keagan walked further inside.

"Hungry?" Keagan asked her.

Nevaeh nodded her head and Keagan ran to the kitchen to cook.

"Well you please tell me something?" she asked frustrated.

"What?" Avery said as he stood to leave.

"What are you going to do to me?"

"Just keep you," Avery stated and ran off in his inhuman speed. He didn't feel the need to hide what they were any longer. He was pretty sure Keagan would mess up again anyway.

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