Part 27 - Exposed

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Asami watched Korra and Kuvira through the window from the trailer carefully as the two girls continued to talk and laugh together. Asami was truly bothered with how comfortable Korra was with Kuvira. Everything Asami knows about the avatar took her 3 years to get out of her. And now Kuvira walks in and it only takes her several minutes. What kind of bullshit is that?

Bolin had noticed how tense Asami was acting, so he decided to walk over and talk to her "Asami... what are you doing?"

"Making sure that bitch doesn't touch my fucking girlfriend." Asami mumbled as she continued to stare down the two girls.

Bolin widened his eyes as he looked at Asami, he wasn't really used to hearing her speak like this "Woah! Easy on the language!"

Asami sighed as she turned her head to look at Bolin "I'm sorry. I just don't trust her."

"Believe me, I know how you feel Asami. I don't trust her either... nobody here does."

"So how are you all so calm working around her?" Asami asked as she looked down at her friend.

"Because we all trust Korra." Bolin said as he shrugged "Her judgement most of the time is right.. and when it's not, she's able to bounce back and regain control of whatever situation she's in.."

The tall girl bit her lip, feeling guilty in not having faith in her girlfriend "Was I too harsh before..? Be honest.."

"Ahh... maybe a little.." Bolin said nervously, not wanting to make Asami mad at him as well "You could've worded what you said differently... and not yell at Korra in front of everyone... and embarrass her.. making her look stupid."

"Okay. I get it. I screwed up." Asami groaned as she slapped her hand over her face "I just don't like how well they work together. They're just so.. connected.."

"Kuvira's a lot like Korra actually.."

Asami frowned as she moved her hand away from her face "How can you say that?? She's nothing like Korra!"

"I don't know they just are okay! They have a lot in common when you think about it!"

The tall girl let out a heavy sigh as she looked back at the two girls "That's what I'm afraid of." She said softly.

Bolin noticed how Asami's face went from an anger and frustration, to pain and hurt within a second "Asami... if you feel that bad.. talk to Korra. You two are never like this. Is this whole Kuvira thing really worth the strain on your relationship?"

Asami sighed as she lowered her head "No... it's not." She mumbled.

"So then promise me you'll talk to her?"

Asami nodded "I promise... thank you, Bolin." She said as she pulled the short make into a hug.

Bolin chuckled as he hugged back "Anytime... I'm like the girlfriend whisperer." He said teasingly.

Asami chuckled as she pulled away "Don't get too ahead of yourself there."


Once the lunch break was over, everyone had gone back to work, finishing up the sections they were assigned and finally start to clear out the rest of the debris off of Varrick's Property. It has now became a clear layout of where the roads and the buildings were going to be built. As it became later in the day, Asami opened the door to the trailer, looking around and smiling softly at worksite which was now almost completely cleared out "Keep up the good work guys! If we finish this week we can get those people homes within the next month!" Asami called out, encouraging everyone to move a little faster.

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