Part 3 - A Small Gift

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It's been about a month since Korra took on Asami's offer. She had everything of hers moved in, including Naga. Korra's room was huge, and directly across from Asami's room (lucky for her).

Over the past month the two girls had gotten even closer than before. Asami and Korra were now able to spend more time together, just the two of them. With Asami's assistant's within the estate, Korra didn't have as many 'avatar chores' to worry about.
They told each other everything. They knew when the other needed help with just a small glance. They were each other's back up in fights and in business. They were a team. The best of friends.

'If only we could be more...'

It was the day of the party in Korra's honor and she had just gotten out of the shower, the towel wrapped around her body. Korra looked at herself in the mirror, then sighed. 'When will I start seeing myself again?' She thought to herself.

Korra walked out of the bathroom and down the hall towards her room. As she approached the doorway, she realized that her door had been left slightly open, even though she had remembered closing it. She brushed it off and walked into the room, closing the door behind her, leaving her in the darkness.

Korra began to walk towards her bedside to turn on the lamp before bumping into a firm figure and falling onto her back, clutching onto the towel, praying it would still be covering her body.


"What the hell?!" Korra frowned as she sat up then lifted her hand, starting a small fire to light up the room. Not too long after, a strong blush flooded Korra's face "Asami?!"

The fair skinned woman groaned as she rubbed her head from the small collision "Jesus..." She mumbled as she stood carefully.

Korra stood and rushed to her lamp, turning it on quickly to make sure her body wasn't exposed she turned quickly to look at Asami "What the hell are you doing in my room?!"

"Well I was trying to leave your surprise on your bed before you got back from your shower... but clearly that didn't work..."

"You couldn't have just given it to me later?!" Korra yelled, only because she was embarrassed on how she looked in front of Asami

"I couldn't wait any longer! Jeez! I was just trying to be nice!"

"Well, you are nice! But you can't just-! I need-!" Korra frowned as she got flustered "Get out!!"

Asami watched Korra carefully then chuckled "You know... you're cute when you're wet." Asami said, knowing exactly what her words would do to the avatar.

Korra blushed heavily "OUT!!" She yelled and turned Asami around and started pushing her to the doorway. Asami laughed as she allowed herself to be pushed "I was just giving you a compliment!"

"No!!" Korra yelled as she pushed Asami out and quickly shut the door behind her, locking Asami out and herself in.

Asami chuckled to herself as she turned to face the avatars door "Let me know how you like your present.." She said and walked off.

Korra let out a sigh of relief as she heard Asami's steps become quieter. "That girl is insane." Korra said to herself as she walked back to her bed side

• • •

Korra had finished getting dressed in her room. She was wearing her blue water tribe dress that covered most of her body but exposed most of her upper arm and broad shoulders. Korra knew her body was bigger than most girls, she was very muscular for one too. But that didn't stop her from being confident in herself. Her insecurities lied more in her mental and spiritual space more than in her physical appearance.

Korra couldn't stop thinking about what Asami had said to her.
"You're cute when you're wet"
Just thinking about the sentence made Korra's face all red again. 'Was Asami flirting with me?' She thought to herself. 'There's no way..'

Korra knew that there were tons of girls who flirted with their best friends as a joke, it was a thing. But Korra never experienced that. Asami was her first real girl - friend.

'Maybe it's normal? No. A comment like that isn't normal. But maybe it is? Asami could never see me in that way'.

Korra shook her head quickly, snapping herself out of her thoughts. She looked down at her nightstand where Asami had left the gift for her. Korra smiled to herself, she began to think how thoughtful Asami was. First she shares her home with the avatar, and now she was giving her a present.

"What more could that girl give me?" Korra said as she picked up a small box with a ribbon on it. She chuckled to herself. Asami night run future industries, but was definitely old fashion.

Korra opened the small box to find a small pendant necklace with 4 symbols on it. She laughed a bit as she removed the necklace from the box by the chain, taking a closer look at it.

All 4 elemental symbols were on the necklace. It was an avatar necklace. These things aren't just something you can pick up off the street market. This meant Asami got it made for Korra.

'Asami... made this for me?' Korra thought to herself as blush took over her face again. She went out of her way to make something so simple, yet so meaningful for Korra. And she loved it. Korra immediately put on the necklace, clipping it in and letting it rest on her chest.

"It looks great on your Korra.."

The avatar jumped as she turned to face Asami who was now standing in her bedroom doorway "How did you-?! That was locked!"

"I'm the CEO of a company that builds cars and machines Korra." She said as she walked towards her "What makes you think I can't figure out a little door knob?"

Korra turned her head away as Asami got closer to her "You have a point." She mumbled.

Asami walked up to Korra so that she was only inches away from her face "But... I do also have the skeleton key." She teased as she lifted up her ring of keys.

"Well I still need my privacy. You could knock you know." Korra crossed her arms as she looked up at Asami.

"Fair point..." Asami shrugged it off as if Korra's privacy meant nothing.
What is she doing?

"Do you like the necklace?"

Korra smiled "I love it... It's amazing Asami.."

"Good.. I'm glad you do." Asami said as she stared down at Korra. Even with Korra standing straight up, Asami cleared 5 inches on her her.
Her height is so intimidating.
Asami had changed from the outfit she had on before and was now wearing a deep red dress with gold assets.
Red looks amazing on her.

"So... should we head downstairs?" Korra asked

Asami nodded and put her hand out for her friend to take "Yeah.. everyone is waiting for you..." She said with a small smile. Korra took asami's hand and they both walked out of the room and headed to the front door where Korra would be celebrated by all her friends and family.

I hope you guys are liking it so far (: there's not really anyone reading this but if you are... hey!!

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