Part 7 - Opening Up

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After a long healing session, Korra had finally started to feel better. She got out of the water and dressed herself cautiously, trying to avoid triggering anymore pain.

"You should take it easy Korra.. you've been out for most of the day... why don't you eat dinner with us?" Asked Kya as she watched the avatar to force her to get up.

"I'm fine.. I don't have Naga or my glider... I should get a head start. Besides.." Korra looked down "As much as I don't want to, I should really talk to Asami..."

Kya sighed "Listen, I'm glad you're taking what I said seriously." She walked to Korra and placed her hands on the avatar's shoulders "But you need to rest... even if you don't want to, you body needs it." Kya walked around Korra to face her "Just stay for one night. That's all I'm asking."

Korra looked up at Kya before letting out a loud sigh and nodding in agreement "Fine... okay.."

Kya smiled as she walked out of the room, leaving the door open for Korra to follow "Come on... everyone wants to know how you're feeling.."

Korra groaned slightly as she dropped her head, not really in the mood to talk to anyone. It wasn't anything personal, she just rather be alone with her own thoughts even though they were driving her insane.

After Korra's dinner with Kya and the rest of family, she had gone straight to bed. Her body and mind both drained from the day.

• • • • •

After an early morning walk back to Asami's estate, Korra took a deep breath while approaching the front door. She tried to keep herself calm for own good, but mostly for the sake of her friendship with Asami.

Korra opened the door to the mansion and walked in "Asami...?" She called out "You here??" There was no answer. "Asami?" Korra called out once more, this time cupping her hands around her mouth.

After a few seconds with no reply, Korra sighed heavily "Well... there's only a million places she could be." Korra said sarcastically as she began to walk around the estate, opening each and every door, looking for friend.

Within a few minutes of walking around, Korra became frustrated as every corner she turned seemed to have the same exact doors from the hallway before "How the hell do you get around this place?!" She yelled as a frown took over her face.

Even though Korra had lived with Asami for a little over a month now, she could never tell where anything was. She only knew how to get from the front door to her bedroom.

"ASAMI!!" Korra yelled on top of her lungs, her voice ringing through the hallway.

"Korra??" Called out Asami's familiar voice "I'm in here!"

Korra bit her lip as she heard Asami's voice, part of her wished Asami wasn't actually home now. "Well... guess that worked." Korra walked down the hall and into the room she had heard her friend call out from. As Korra walked in the room which turned out to be Asami's office, Asami's face lit up.

"Hey!! How're you feeling?" Asami stood from her desk "I heard what happened.. are you alright??" She walked to Korra quickly and wrapped her arms around the avatar's shoulders, pulling her into a hug.

Korra blushed softly as she watched Asami from the corner of her eye. She lifted her arms slowly to wrap them around Asami's waist, but stopped when a rush of heat took over her body. Damn it.

Korra was too nervous to be that close Asami, besides the fact it such an intimate hug.
Is that even a thing?

Instead, Korra just placed a single arm on Asami's back, trying to prevent herself from pulling Asami any closer to her.  "I'm... I'm fine.. how did you know?"

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