July 2022 Update

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Hello ladies and men and my non binary friends😌,

How are you guys? I know... it's been over a year since you've heard from me LMAO. It's not funny but it is.

I don't really know where to start with this update other than letting you guys know I will be officially discontinuing this Korrasami story, I apologize you all had to wait so long to hear this😅. But before you guys gets your panties in a twist, this does not mean the story is actually over. My mental and emotional state is currently crumbling at the seams, and what's a better way to fix your real world problems than by writing out your own fake world to help ease the pain😃.

So yes, I have discontinued this story, but I somehow found the urge to write something once again. So what does that mean for you guys? My plan as of right now (emphasis on this right now, who knows how I'll feel later on) is to trash this story and create a new one. It will created with a similar storyline, but there will be both some major and minor changes to it.

1. I want to create longer, better, less cringey chapters for you guys to read.
2. I want to make sure that when I start re-writing this story, I have it completed from start to finish. At least plot wise.

I believe my problem with this current story is that I began writing anything that came to mind. I didn't have a plan or a solid plot, just a little fan fiction heart and carpal tunnel fingers that had some weird drive to type. I feel like that's what made me lose my will to continue, I got bored so I just left the story as it was.

I want to take some time and actually figure out what I want to do with this story and how I want to write it, so it can be as fluent and grammatically correct for all of you little freaks🫶🏽. As said before, the central idea of this story will be taking place in the new version, but there will be some changes.

For this discontinued version of the story, I'm still undecided in whether I should delete it or keep it up. I definitely will keep it here until the new fanfic is uploaded so you guys have something to read, but I'm not sure if I'll keep it up once I start posting the new story. You guys let me know what you want me to do!

Again, this is a big maybe that the new version of the story will actually follow through. I'm a 20yr old college student with a major in childhood education and a job in an restaurant, my life is literally being sucked away by snotty little kids, school work and old cranky people constantly, so please, bare with me through this wait, LMAO.

I believe that's all I have to say as for now... if I have anything else to let you guys know about I'll post it on my conversation board, or maybe even leave a new update here idk we shall see. For the mean time, please take care of yourselves❤️.

Drink some water, brush your teeth, and tidy up your rooms. Then we can all pray that this story will make it out of my notes and into Wattpad 🥹.


Thank you for your constant support!


MAY 2024

Might have something for y'all

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