Part 6 - Talking

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Korra groaned as she laid on her back when she finally started to wake up from her sleep. She turned her head a bit before opening her eyes and looking around, examining her surroundings. "What..?" It took the avatar a moment before she realized she was back on Air Temple Island.

Korra sighed and sat up slowly before groaning loudly and wincing at a sharp pain in her back.  "Damn..." She mumbled and rubbed her lower back gently before looking around the room once more, now realizing her clothes were on a chair beside her bed. The blanket that was once covering the avatar was now folded on her lap.

Korra looked down at her body and realized she was in nothing but a bandage wrap covering her chest and shorts "Who the hell dressed me?" She said to herself as she tried to remember what happened completely. Her body wasn't beaten too badly. A few bruises and scratches here and there, the pain was mostly in her back since she landed on it directly.

The door to Korra's room had slid open "Glad to see you're awake."

Korra rubbed her head a bit as she looked up "Mako... what the hell happened?"

"I don't know, you tell me. I just saw you fall out of the sky and break a fruit stand." Mako said as he walked to the bedside, setting a tray of food and water on the night stand next to the bed.

"Long story short..? I was flying on my glider. And I wasn't paying attention. I almost hit a building, so I try to dodged it. And I did, But my glider tore in the process..."

"So... you decided to hid the ground instead?" Mako said teasingly trying to cheer his friend up as he sat on the chair.

"Guess so..." Korra looked down and sighed from both embarrassment and shame for letting her thoughts get the best of her, again. Korra laid back down slowly before wincing again at the pain in her back.

"Careful..!" Mako exclaimed as he reached out towards Korra.

"I'm fine..." Korra took a deep breath before she closed her eyes and reopening them slowly. "Why'd you bring me here? Why didn't you bring me oto the medics in Republic City?"

"I knew Kya was here. She was the fastest way to get you healed... and I knew you weren't going to heal yourself after you passed out."

"I passed out...??" Korra said with concern in her voice, causing Mako to chuckle.

"Well yeah... don't you think you would remember if I brought you here? Or the fact you would be able to change your clothes by yourself?"

Korra thought to herself a bit and groaned "Please tell me you weren't the one who changed me." She mumbled as rested her head back, putting her hands over her face, sickened by the idea.

Mako chuckled once again and shook his head "No.. Pema and Kya did." Mako looked at Korra "Even if I did... What's the big deal? It's not like I haven't seen you naked before." Mako crossed his arms and looked down at the floor, smirking at the idea of him and Korra together again.

Korra frowned as she uncovered her face slowly, glaring and giving Mako a dirty look. She raised her hand facing Mako as she sent a tidal wave of fire towards him.

Mako widened his eyes before putting his arms up together in front of his face, breaking the line of fire "Korra! What the hell?!" He frowned as he looked down at her.

"That is NOT the same thing you prick!"

"How?!" He frowned "I was just joking!"

"It's just- it's not!" Korra frowned as she became flustered "We dated 3 years ago!! And we haven't done anything since then! You can't-! Those jokes aren't-! You can't just-!" Korra groaned as she struggled to find her words "You're not allowed to see my like that anymore!"

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