Part 23 - Buisness Partners

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"Coming!!" Yelled a voice from inside the giant home. Asami bit her lip as she attempted to pull her arm away from the avatar before the person came to the door, but Korra held on.

"Hey." Korra squeezed her hand "No more hiding."

Asami pouted as she looked at Korra "I'm not hiding." She tugged her hand away "I had an itch." Asami mumbled as she falsely scratched her arm. Korra rolled her eyes a bit and chuckled as the door opened before them.

"Asami! Korra!! What are you two doing here!?" Varrick said in his obnoxiously, naturally loud voice  "What a nice surprise!!" He continued, pulling the two girls into a very tight, very uncomfortable hug.

"Oh!" Korra widened her eyes, along with Asami as they were forced into the hug. Korra laughed awkwardly as she patted Varrick's back lightly "Uh.. nice to see you too Varrick.. it's been awhile.."

"Zhu-Li!!! Korrasami's here!! We're gonna need more tea!!" He paused "Please!!" Varrick yelled back into the house. Varrick was still working on how he spoke to his wife as his partner instead of as his assistant. Asami widened her eyes as she forcefully pulled away from the hug, looking down at Varrick confused "Korrasami..?"

"Yeah! Korrasami! Short for Korra and Asami!! You two are a killer duo!! Why not mix up the names and come up with something awesome!! Korrasami is perfect! The only other option would be Asorra, but that sound ridiculous!"

"Right... that sounds ridiculous." Asami said as she crossed her arms.

Korra smirked as she looked over at Asami, nudging her side playfully "I like it."

"Of course you do." Asami rolled her eyes before she looked down at Varrick "Listen Varrick, I need to talk to you and Zhu-Li, We your help with a project to-"

"No no no!" Varrick quickly put his finger up to Asami's mouth in his crazy manor, stopping her from speaking "We need to do this right!" Asami frowned as she swatted his hand away "Come in! Come in! Zhu-Li's in the kitchen making tea! We can talk in the living room! We got these new amazing couches! Let me know how you like 'em!" Varrick hollered before slamming the front door shut and walking down the hall, making the two girls jump.

Asami growled a bit as she watched Varrick walk away, who she still was not completely fond of.
"Hey.." Korra said softly as she put a hand on Asami's arm "Ease up... he's just being his normal self.."

"Yeah... I know." Asami mumbled as she followed the crazy man into their living room, Korra not too far behind her. As they entered the room, there were black leather couches surrounding a small coffee table. On the table, there were four cups of tea with steam floating from all of them. Varrick was sitting on the couch for a single person with Zhu-Li leaning on the armrest next to him. Asami walked into the room and made her way over to one of the bigger couches, taking a seat and making herself comfortable.

"So.. what'd you think?" Varrick asked with a smirk as he grabbed his cup of tea.

"It's.. actually really comfortable.." Asami replied truthfully.

"See! Told you these were a good investment Zhu-Li!"

"Yes dear... you were right.." Zhu-Li said as she picked up her cup as well.

"How've you two been doing? The marriage holding up okay?" Korra asked teasingly as she walked in, taking a seat next to Asami.

Zhu-Li chuckled and nodded as she knew the question was directed to her since she was the one dealing with Varrick's craziness 24/7. She took a sip of her tea before answering "It's great, our bond has done nothing but grown... thank you for asking" She said as she looked at the couple in hiding "So.. what brings you two here? Not that we're not pleased to see you, we just weren't expecting such a random visit.."

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