Part 26 - Kuvira (Pt. 2)

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Korra looked over at the tall girl and sighed "I'm sorry Asami... I know how you feel about her but-"

"You know how I feel about her??" Asami interrupted "Then why the hell did you take her out of her cell?! You know what she's capable of Korra!! I HATE her!!!" Asami frowned as she faced the avatar "She killed my father!! And she almost killed me too! Along with you and everyone else! She's a goddamn monster!! She doesn't even deserve to see the light of day ever again!!" Korra stayed silent as she stared at her girlfriend, letting her blow off some steam "Do you know how hard it is to deal with that kind of loss Korra?! And then be face to face with the person who caused your trauma?!" She continued before facing the steering wheel again, now gripping it tightly "No! You wouldn't know! Because you haven't lost a got damn thing in your life!!!" Asami yelled as she was now breathing heavy out of anger. The avatar was taken back by Asami's unnecessary, hurtful words. Everything she was saying was just spilling out of her mouth before she could even stop it. After rethinking what she had just said, she turned her head to the avatar and spoke again, but softer "Korra wait, I didn't mean-"

"I never lost anything??" Korra interrupted her "I might not have lost my parents Asami but I lost a lot too! None of them do I need to remind you all have haunted me for the last 3 years!!!" Korra frowned as she looked at Asami "I'm aware of what Kuvira did! And I'm aware that she almost killed all of us!!"

"Then why are you allowing her to work with us?! Why do you need her help?!"

"She's powerful Asami! I need that help! It's not like you could help me!" Korra snapped.

"What the fuck does that mean?! I've been helping you for the past 3 years Korra!! Why would you-?!"

"You know what I meant Asami!!!"

Asami groaned in frustration as she threw her hands up a little "Why can't you just see where I'm coming from!?!"

"Asami, I am so sorry you lost your dad, I really am!" And I understand your hatred for Kuvira but that does not mean you can take it out on me!!! I am sick of being full of hate and regret over everything that happened, so I'm giving her a chance to try and fix what she caused!!" Korra yelled as she stepped out of the car "Kuvira is going to be working with us until we're done building that town! Whether you like it or not!!! And if you're going to keep being bitter about is your fucking problem! Not mine!" Korra snapped as she slammed the car door shut and spun in her heels,  heading up the steps of the estate and through the front door.

"Korra!!" Asami called after Korra as she watched her run inside before screaming to herself "Goddamn it!!"
In the morning, despite all the anger the two girls had formed for each other, Asami offered to assist Korra in bringing Kuvira over to the work site. Once they had reached to the prison Kuvira was being held in, Asami parked the car right out front. With Asami staying in the drivers seat, Korra stepped out as she watched Kuvira get escorted towards her by the chief of police

"I hope you know what you're doing here, Kid." Lin said as she pushed Kuvira towards the avatar. Kuvira groaned as she stumbled forwards, tripping over her tightened chains.

"You and me both, Chief." Asami said from the car, keeping her focus ahead of her. Korra frowned as she threw a dirty look at her girlfriend before looking back at Lin "I do. Thanks for the support, Lin." The avatar mumbled as she pulled on the handle for the back door to allow Kuvira to get in, but it didn't budge. Korra looked down at the car, realizing m the door was locked and looked up at Asami for assistance "A little help here?" Korra said.

"You're the avatar. Do it yourself." Asami spat as she kept her eyes on the road. Korra frowned as she looked at Asami, annoyed with her petty behavior.

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