Chapter 13: Bowling

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This is unedited...sorta so if there is any grammar mistakes. I AM SORRY

A loud sound at the door makes me wake up, I fumble out of bed and walk half asleep to answer it. I swear if Daisy ordered room service I will fight her.

I opened it to find Ashton with his hand in the air to knock again. I look over his shoulder to see the rest of 5sos waiting in the hall. Once I have my sweater on I follow Daisy out into the hallway. I'm in mid walk when I bump into Ashton's back with a hard thud.

"Really Ash!" I say rubbing my throbbing forehead.

"It wasn't me." He throws up both his hands in surrender.

I look to see Michael is the reason we stopped. I have no idea what Ashton plans on us doing tonight. But anything is better than moping around in the hotel room. Since waking up I've been in a great mood like the past 24 hours didn't even happen. I just tell myself it was all a bad dream.

Michael knocks on the door to the room next to ours. Before I can ask him what the hell he is doing Niall answers it with a huge grin.

"Hey lads what's up?" He asks practically bouncing off the walls with happiness.

"Do you guys want to come bowling with us?" Ashton asks leaning against the door frame.

"Let me ask," Niall says closing the door slightly. He opens it back up instantly which makes all of us flinch.

"They said sure." And with that all the boys come out.

Harry isn't in the group, I'm not surprised he's probably trying to avoid me at all costs. I don't care I'm going to have a good time tonight while he is alone in his room.

No one seems to care he's not here because they start walking without a second glance. Everyone else is fed up with Harry being an arrogant asshole. It's a small victory. I kinda feel bad for him, his own friends are done with his shit.

"Wait let me see if Harry wants to come." Niall shouts jogging back to his room.

Everyone avoids eye contact with him. The air felt so heavy no one spoke. Niall stands with his hand on the room door knob searching each of our faces.

"Niall I think it's best we leave him." Liam says, saying what is on all our minds. I couldn't help but think he said it for my benefit or if he really didn't want to see Harry. The look of defeat is plain to see on Niall's face. I couldn't blame him for trying to include Harry it is his friend.

Niall finally drops his hand from the door and sheepishly walks back to us. Liam gives him a friendly pat on the back. The awkwardness doesn't last long.

"Are we gonna be in teams?" I questioned, watching Niall to make sure he was doing okay.

"Yea we should do 5sos against 1d!" Michael yells giving Calum a high five.

"What about us?" Daisy asked rolling her eyes at Michael. If she didn't have a boyfriend I would totally set them up.

"That's easy, one of you go with them the other stays with us." Michael says shrugging like he just figured out a way to end world hunger.

"I guess I'll go with Liam and them just cause I want to see the look on your face when you lose." Daisy shoots back at Michael. When she sets her mind on something she gets shit done.

"It's okay guys I'm one hell of a bowler. We got this." I say to my team trying to seem badass.

Daisy should know that I can out bowl her, we used to go bowling all the time and I would kick her ass. I mean she had her good moments but I was just a little better.

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