Chapter 1: First Day

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A/N: New story! This is for my friend @Emmaline13! I hope you enjoy my new fanfiction! Please comment, vote, and fan if you like it! Also, check me out on Twitter! I'm @perfect1Dxoxo on there, and remember I said TWITTER obviously not Wattpad lol. Yeah, so here's the first chapter! I have a feeling I might get somewhat addicted to writing this hehe (: xxxx

~Reese Styles (: x



"I know I'm different, Mum," I begin to say, my eyes welling up with tears. Mum walks over to me and begins to rub my back.

"You're not different, Louis."

"Yes I am. I wouldn't be surprised if I go my entire life without any friends. Nobody likes me, nobody likes me..." I sobbed harder, my tears burning my eyes.

"That's nonsense, Lou." Mum tried to sooth me, kissing me on the forehead gently. "I'm sure you'll make friends at the new school."

"New school?"

"Yeah, we're.. erm.. moving." She told me.

I gasped. "Why?"

"Better therapy." Mum explained, biting her lip.

"I hate my life," I scoffed, throwing a pillow at the wall. Mum sighed, letting her head dropped into her hands.

"It will all get better, Lou."

"Yeah right," I crossed my arms over my chest, allowing one last tear to make its way down my cheek. "I'll never change. I'm always mental."


Chapter 1


                     "Emma, I know you're scared, but you have to go." Mom reminded me, crossing her arms and staring down at me. I sunk my face into my pillow, squeezing my eyes shut even harder as I tried to ignore her. She sighed.

                     "Mom, I don't want to go to a new school," I told her, sitting up and brushing my hair out of my eyes. "I don't want to talk to anyone."

                     "That's not your choice, Emma," she corrected me, and I rolled my eyes. "Either way, it's too late now. We already moved."

                       I groaned. "Fine. But I'm not going to like it."

                     "You don't have to like it," she informed me. "But you will do it." She walked over to me, combing her fingers through my hair as she planted a kiss on my forehead. "I'll start breakfast. Just get dressed and then come downstairs when you're ready."


                        I shut the door when she walked out, and I imemdiately headed over to my mirror. I noticed I still had dark circles under my eyes from lack of sleep, and my blonde hair was pretty matted. I reached across the table, forcing a brush through the strands of my hair.

                       After brushing my hair, I rummaged through my closet to find the perfect outfit. I chewed my lip, grabbing a purple T-shirt from off of the hanger. I also found my favorite pre-ripped jeans, and I slipped them on as well.

                         I walked back over to look in my mirror. I smiled weakly at my reflection before turning to walk downstairs.

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