Chapter 33: Time of My Life

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A/N: ENJOY THE UPDATE! It's chapter 33 already oh my god! Lol, well, yeah. As I'm writing this, I'm listening to Justin Bieber's beautiful voice. And, also if you haven't yet, LISTEN TO "YOU NEED ME, I DON'T NEED YOU" BY ED SHEERAN ITS MAGICAL. Lol well remember to vote, comment, and fan if you haven't already! Love you lots!(:

-Reese Stylinson xxxx



“So, I was thinking,” Mum began, brushing her thumb along her chin, and it was obvious that she was deep in thought.


“Now that you and Emma are together, I should meet her a second time.” She went on. “Before I only met her as your friend, so don't you think it would be a good idea to meet her again?”

“You never had to meet Harry when him and Lottie started dating, so what are you pestering me about my love life?” I wanted to know, crossing my arms over my chest as I waited for an answer. Mum only sighed.

“Because Lottie has been in other relationships,” she explained. “This is your first one. And besides, I know how easily you get hurt, Boo Bear.”

“Emma's not going to hurt me. She's a nice girl.” I argued, and Mum only sighed again.

“You don't know that, Lou.”

“And you don't know that she isn't.”

“Sweetheart, I'm just trying to warn you. Love isn't the easiest thing.” She said, standing up out of her chair and kissing my forehead before walking out of the room. “If anything happens, just know you can talk to me.”

I don't know why Mum is so concerned about the idea of Emma and I dating. I mean, she met Emma, and she is a sweet girl. I knew how fragile she was, and she has experienced heartbreak before. I raked my fingers through my hair, turning to walk into the living room.

The second I stepped in the room, I noticed Harry sitting on the couch with Lottie. I waved to him, and a small grin tugged at his lips before he waved back. Lottie noticed me standing there as well, and signaled me to come over where they were.

“Hey, Haz.” I immediately said to Harry, taking a seat down next to him on the couch. “How is everything going?”

“Pretty good, Lou.” He told me, still smiling his crooked smile. “I'm glad things are working out between you and Emma. So glad you told us when you did.”

“Harry and Louis, would you like some tea? I'm going to have some myself actually.” Lottie wanted to know, and Harry and I turned to face her.

“Sure, that would be nice, love. Thank-you.” He answered her, and I noticed Lottie blushing like mad when he had called her love.

“Kind of funny, you know,” I began after it was just Harry and I sitting here. “How everything had turned out. The friendships we made. It's actually pretty crazy.”

“I agree with you there, mate. Life has its twists and turns.” He chuckled, leaning in to whisper something in my ear. “How's your wrist? Is it any better?”

That's right. I had forgotten all about how I had cut that one time. Harry was the only person that knew — my own mum didn't even know. But, it was something I hoped I'd never do again. I looked down at it, and the cut was still noticeable, but slightly faded. Now it just appeared to be somewhat like a scrape; as if you would skin your knee by falling on the sidewalk or something small like that.

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