Chapter 26: Set Up & Stood Up

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A/N: SORRY FOR NOT POSTING! I was in a wifi-less place for a while but IT'S ALL GOOD NOW. my dad had to get laser eye surgery and now he can barely see as it is healing. Not that you care though... but yeah, hopefully his vision will return to normal. Anyways, I hope you enjoy chapter twenty six!

Remember to vote, comment, and fan if you haven't already! PLEASE IT TAKES TWO SECONDS. I love you guys, and stay tuned for more updates coming your way!<3

-Reese Stylinson xxxx



            I hate this. I had to stay after school and help set up for the dance tonight. I sighed, if only I hadn't skipped stupid algebra this week. I combed my fingers through my blonde hair, looking across at the room.

            It looked so empty, and the dance floor was taking up most of the place. The tables were empty, and I knew I was going to have to have the plates, food, and utensils on them, and I saw the lunch lady coming towards me with a punch bowl in her hands. She passed me the punch bowl, and I looked down at it.

           “Niall, right?” The lady asked first, and I nodded slowly in response. “Do me a favor and set this punch bowl on the table.”

           “Okay, sure.”


            As I was carrying it over, I looked down at the punch. Just as I was about to set it down, I lost my grip and spilled it all over my white shirt. I extended it, angry with myself.

         “Shit,” I cursed to myself, and I headed in the bathroom to clean up a little.  

          How are you suppose to totally clean off a shirt with a giant red stain on it? It's a good thing I'm going to be able to change before the dance. I tried my best to clean it up before exiting the bathroom, and as soon as I walked out, the lunch lady was staring at me.

         “I had a little… incident with the punch.” She sighed, directing me to do something less complicated like hanging up some signs or maybe just decorating the tables.

            I laid a table cloth across all the tables, smoothing out the wrinkles and creases as I did so. I sprinkled some confetti across the table tops as well, making sure to do every other table.

                    “Do I really have to decorate everything by myself,” I complained, leaning against the wall.

             “Yes, it's punishment,” the lunch lady went on. “This is why you shouldn't be skipping.”

             “Yeah, yeah. I'll just carry the fruit over on this table.” I told her, glancing down at my stained shirt once again.

              I think that's the end of that shirt.



           I invited Lottie, Clover, and Nina over so we could ride to the dance together. I had already changed into my dress, and it was the black, strapless one Lottie suggested. I looked in the mirror, doing a small stroll to see how well it fit. I had my hair curled, and it rested on my left shoulder.

          “So, what do you think?” Nina came out of the bathroom in her new dress.

           She twirled around a bit, and her hair was curled and pulled back into a high ponytail.

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