Chapter 25: I'll Fix This

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A/N: Here's chapter 25! I hope you enjoy it! Yeah, let me tell you it's kind of boring... well at least it was to write. Sorry! But don't worry, the next two chapters are about the dance so it will be much more interesting! Don't forget to comment, vote, and fan if you haven't already! It means the most when you comment because that makes me feel good when it's something nice. Okay, well, enjoy the chapter!(:

-Reese Stylinson xxxx





                 I can't believe I just did that. I mean, I just kissed Louis, and I'm not even sure if we're friends again. Besides, I have a boyfriend. I cheated. No, I can't be a cheater. I don't know what came over me to say the truth.

                 It was just when I pinned him up against the lockers, my gaze dropped down to his lips. Studying them closely, I came to the conclusion that they were so pink, perfect, and kissable. So, without giving it a second thought, I went for it.

                When he kissed me back, it almost felt amazing. My whole body went hot and I just felt myself freeze in my place. When I had finally pulled away from him, I remember the look of shock on his face. That confused look he gave me before he ran off.

                And in that very moment, I just felt really bad. I told him to forget it ever happened, but I honestly don't think that's possible. I sighed, walking downstairs to eat some dinner.

              “Mom, what are we having for dinner?” I asked her, my fingers just letting go of the railing. She looked up at me, finishing setting the table.

             “We are having mashed potatoes and gravy.” She told me. “Do me a favor Emmaline, will you? Get your brother all settled down here so it won’t be so much of a hassle.”

             “Sure thing.”


              I nodded before heading back upstairs, and when I entered Ian’s room, he was sitting on his bedroom floor. He was sucking his thumb – we still couldn’t get him over that habit of his. He’s three years old now, and we’ve been trying since he was like six months or so.

             “Come on, Ian,” I motioned him towards me. “It’s time for dinner.”

              He stood up, just regaining his balance as he followed me into the kitchen. Mom flashed me a smile, and Ian climbed up in his chair. I sat down in front of my plate, staring down at the mashed potatoes on my plate.

               I frowned, not hungry from all the thoughts that were running through my head. In fact, there were so many it was giving me a headache.

               “Emma, are you okay?” Mom asked, and I snapped out of my thoughts.

               “What? Uh... yeah.” I answered, faking a smile. “Why?”

              “You just looked upset.” Mom said, wiping off the countertop before taking a seat in front of her own plate of food.

               She dug in, taking a bite and then washing it down with some of her Iced Tea. I shrugged, sitting upright.

             “Oh. Well, I’m fine. No worries.” I lied, stuffing my mouth with some mashed potatoes.

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