Chapter 21: Classified

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A/N: Here’s an update.. which I’m sneaking.. because I’m grounded for a week. Well, I snuck my Twitter account and got caught, so I’m not allowed to use the internet or my phone for a week. This hasn’t even been a day, and it already sucks balls. Yeah.. so here’s my sneaked chapter twenty-one! I hope you guys enjoy it! It might be a few days until I update next, but as soon as I’m allowed back on, I PROMISE I’ll update in an instant. Love you guys! Remember to comment, vote, and fan if you haven’t done so already!

-Reese Stylinson xxxx



The fact that Emma and Louis haven’t been talking is really beginning to concern me.  It’s the worst thing when two of your closest friends are in a fight and they refuse to speak to each other. I sighed, flopping back on my bed and staring at the ceiling. That’s when I thought to myself that since it was the weekend, I could invite some friends over.

I smiled to myself, reaching over to my dresser to grab my cellphone. I was planning on having a girls’ sleepover, and I knew I was going to invite three people over:  Emma, Lottie, and Clover. It will be a good chance to bond and you know… talk about boys.

I dialed Emma’s number first, raising it up to my ear as it began to ring. She answered within the first three rings, and the second she had picked up, I began talking to her about my sleepover plans for this weekend.

“Emma, it’s Nina.” I began, clearing my throat. “I wanted to know if you would like to sleepover at my house tonight.”

“Sure,” Emma agreed, sounding excited. “What time should I come?”

“Around seven o’clock,” I informed her. “Bring a sleeping bag.”

“Okay! Sounds good! I’ll pack my bags right now and thanks for the invitation! See you later,” she cheered before hanging up.

I smiled to myself, deciding on which one of the girls to invite next. I figured that I should invite Clover next since I don’t really know her all that well, so that’s what I did. She had given me her number the day Zayn introduced her to us, so I was able to give her a call. I dialed in her number, waiting for her to answer the phone.

“Hello?” Clover sounded sort of shy and out of place.

“Clover? This is Nina.” I told her. “I wanted to know if you would like to come over to my house for a sleepover tonight.”

“I’d love to. I just need your address,” she answered, and I chuckled.

“I know. I’ll give it to you. By the way, make sure to bring a sleeping bag and come around seven o’clock or so.” I reminded.

“Sounds good. Okay, I guess I’ll see you later then!”

When she hung up, I knew that Lottie was the only person left to call. I had talked to both Louis and Harry about her, so I definitely had her number. Plus, Emma told me she was a pretty nice girl, and both Harry and Louis seem to think so, too.

“Hello, this is Lottie. Who’s this?” She asked, and I smiled into the phone at her cheesy introduction.

“This is Nina. You remember me, right?” I asked.

“Oh, of course,” she giggled.

“Well, I wanted to know if you wanted to come over to my house tonight for a sleep over. It’s at seven o’clock and all you need to bring is your sleeping bag.” I informed her.

“I’d love to! And don’t worry, Emma gave me your address when we met.”

“Okay. Well, I’ll see you later!” I told her.

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