Chapter 10: Papers, Principals, and Panicking

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A/N: HERE'S ANOTHER UPDATE!!!!!!! I'll probably have to go any minute now since it's after 9:30PM on a school night, but I'm going to hurry up anyways. I hope you enjoy chapter ten! Remember to comment your lovely comments, vote your amazing votes, and fan your... generous... fanliness... I guess. Lol I don't know.. I'm just really tired right now. So anyways, yeah. Tell me what you think at the end of the chapter! I love you all very, very, very, very much!

~Reese (: xxxx



                   I awoke the next morning with an irritable headache. We were fortunate enough yesterday to have a day off due to Parent Teacher Conferences. I really outdid myself at the soccer game yesterday, and the constant screams and shouting of dedicated fans tortured my ear drums.

                   That's what I blame for my pounding headache right now. It feels as if there is a second skull wedged into my head. I sighed, kicking my covers off of my feet and rubbing my tired as I began walking from my bedroom to the kitchen.

                   "Morning, Lou. Ready for school?" Mum teased, taking a seat at the kitchen table across from me. I frowned at her, not in the mood to play games this early in the morning. She chuckled, and I only groaned.

                    "No, I'm never ready," I reminded her, and she chewed her lip. "Can you pass the cereal and milk? I already have a bowl."


                    "Thanks," a quick smile found its way onto my face, and I poured the dry cereal into my bowl. Afterwards, I covered the cereal I had just poured with some milk - just enough to leave most of the cereal hidden.

                    "So, honey. Your therapist told me you have to have a friend fill out some papers about how you act around them - you know, with your disorder and all? She thinks it may help the understanding and grasp of the idea more." Mum bit her lip, and I practically choked on my cereal by the time she was done explaining.

                     "Why? Only two of my friends know, and they don't even know me that well."

                     "Which ones?"

                     "Harry and Nina. Harry found out when Lottie accidentally talked about it in front of him, and I told Nina at the soccer game. I had an anxiety attack, so I had no choice but to fill her in on what's going on."

                     "Honey, someone has to fill out the paper," she alerted, and I took another bite of my cereal. "What about Emma? She knows you well. I think you should tell her."

                     "No way!"

                     "Why not?"

                     "Because. Look, I'll just get Harry to do it, alright? Let me see the papers," I reached out for them, and she handed them to me. I finished up my cereal, dumping the excess milk into the sink and walking back upstairs to get dressed.

                      My fingers found the railing, and I was practically dragging myself up the stairs to my bedroom. God knows how much I dreaded going to school, both today and just any other day in general. I twisted my doorknob, entering my room and shutting the door tightly behind me as I made my way over towards my closet.

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