Chapter 7: Confessions and Tough Talk

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A/N: Heyyyyyyy everyone! JDFHJSDFHJSDFHSDJFHJSDAKFHJSDFSDFSDFSD! Lol sorry about that. Anyways, I'm sorry for not updating in a while! This book has slow updates - well, slow for me anyways.

Either way, I hope you enjoy chapter seven of the story! Hopefully after this chapter, I'll be eager to post chapter eight so I won't keep you lovely people waiting too long. Anyways, please remember to comment, vote, and fan!

Also, I thought I should point out that today - December 30th - is officially Jamie Follese's twenty-first birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU JAMIE IF YOU'RE READING THIS. Well, I doubt Jamie Follese' is because he's a celebrity but.. WHATEVER.

Anyways, yeah. Oh, and this is random, but if you have a Twitter... tweet and follow me! THAT'S RIGHT. I'm @perfect1Dxoxo on there if you didn't know already, and I  would really love to talk to you guys more on there, so yeah. Anyways, I'm going to shut up now and let you read. ENJOY!! xxx



                 I woke up from the nap I had taken twenty minutes ago. I tangled my fingers in my now tousled caramel hair, and I let out a small groan before sitting up. I stretched out my arms as far as they would stretch out, and then rubbed my eyes. I then kicked my blankets and sheets off of my feet, stepping down until my feet hit the floor.

                I sighed, opening my bedroom door and heading out towards the living room. I plopped down onto the couch, and I was just about to reach for the remote when Lottie yanked it out of my hands. She giggled, throwing herself down onto the couch right next to me.

              "Lotts? What was that about? I just want to watch some television for a little while," I mumbled to her, my voice still a little groggy from sleeping. She rolled her eyes, flippering her long, cascading hair to the side.

               "Fine. You can watch TV until my boyfriend comes over to hang out with me for a little bit," she blushed, batting her eyelashes at the mention of her boyfriend. Wait.. boyfriend? Lottie had a boyfriend?

               "You have a boyfriend?"

              "Yeah," she sighed dreamily.


                Before she could answer my question, she scurried off to answer the door when the doorbell rang. I decided to follow her and see who her boyfriend was, and I just froze in my spot when I found out who it was she was dating.

                That curly, brown hair was all too familiar, and those piercing green eyes were also very vivid. That same cheeky look was plastered on his face, and that was then I realized it was Harry my sister was dating. Of all people she could've been in a relationship with, why did it have to be Harry?

                 I watched as Lottie leaned in to plant a kiss on his cheek, and I watched as Harry blushed a little. I swore under my breath, making sure to be quiet enough so that neither of them would hear me. Lottie tugged on Harry's hand, turning to face me.

                "Louis, this is my new boyfriend. Harry," she introduced him, and at that very moment, my eyes locked on Harry's.

                 Harry pursed his lips, his eyes widening when he realized he had seen me before. I did the same, sheepishly looking to the floor as I stuffed my hands down into my pockets. When I looked back up, Lottie looked very confused by the way Harry and I were acting. I took a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

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