Chapter 12: Ember Island Players

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Mizuki was watching Aang and Zuko train with Katara. They're drinking some watermelon juice. She observes Zuko's abs with keen eyes. She'll take any moment to peer at her husbands's body honestly.

"You staring at them too." Katara asks in a whisper. "Only Zuko."

"I'm staring at both." Katara replies. They both giggle. "I never realized how attractive Zuko is." Katara whispers. Mizuki can't help but feel proud as some other girl, besides Mai, she didn't really like Mai, liked her husband's physique. "He wasn't that good looking with his pony tail." Mizuki whispers to her. "Right?" Katara says. They giggle again. Zuko turns to them with an eyebrow raised. "I can hear you two gossiping about me." He looked annoyed slightly.

"Hey can't two girls giggle about some attractive guy."

"Sure, I get that. I'm your husband. She's... Katara." Mizuki snorts. "For lack of a better word." Zuko adds to his statement. Katara rolls her eyes. Aang also looked slightly annoyed. Aang told Mizuki about his love for Katara and Mizuki was subtlety trying to get them together. "Now now Aang. Don't get jealous. You're attractive too." Mizuki adds. Zuko huffs and sits down grabbing his towel and wiping sweat from his body. Aang flushes at her compliment. "Oh and you get jealous because I compliment someone else? Yikes you are protective."

"I have a right to be."

"Yeah that kinda went away when we married idiot."

"Actually that only increased." Zuko smirks at her as he grabs her from the stairs and into his arms. Her hands are on his chest. She blushes bright red. "I can't believe you two. Right in from of my juice?" Katara complains. "Why not enjoy the show?" Zuko asks with a smirk. Mizuki rolls her eyes getting the courage to push away from Zuko and to put the towel over his head. "Nuh uh. Not happening." Zuko frowns. Mizuki water bends water at him and sits back down. He scowls. She giggles and continues to sip at her watermelon juice. "Guys guys! Me and Suki went into town and found a flyer! It's a play about us!"

Sokka goes on to explain. "Ugh my mother would drag us to see to Love Amongst The Dragons every year. They always butchered it." Zuko complains. Mizuki chuckles. "I thought it was quite charming."

"They didn't even correctly portray the Dragon Emperor and Empress!" Zuko complains again. "At least she enjoyed it."

"Yeah but mom was always in love with that play."

"So are you by the looks of it." Mizuki giggled. Zuko rolled his eyes.

So that's how they ended up going to watch the Ember Island Players. As they watched the worse it got. Mizuki was rarely in it. When Zuko was to choose which side she was there with an evil grin. That wasn't her. Seriously could they be even more wrong? Oh not to mention the Crystal Catacombs when Actor Zuko and Katara hugged. She barfed at that. When the invasion started she leaned against Zuko and pouted. "But we're married. They didn't even show it. It was a beautiful wedding and Sadao was there. Ugh."

"I know. I know. I'm upset about it too." She pursed her lips when Zuko joined them and SHE wasn't there. "Seriously what the Agni is going on. I went with you. I'm ugh." She huffed. Zuko rubbed her back. When Sozin's Comet came she was expecting some big battle but instead Azula killed Zuko in seconds and Ozai killed Aang in seconds. That's not how fights work. She criticized in her head.

Still she couldn't help but feel dread pool into her stomach while watching Aang and Zuko go down. But then there she stood on the opposing side with Azula and Ozai grinning darkly. They looked at her and she frowned. She went with Zuko. She loved Zuko. She wasn't heartless who only thought cruelly. Then again they thought their respected Admiral Kazan's daughter Princess Mizuki was fully on the Fire Nation side. They probably hid the fact that she left with Zuko from the Fire Nation. "Well that sucked." She said as they were leaving.

"You said it."



"Hey at least the effects were good." She rolled her eyes. When Zuko and Mizuki laid in bed together she asked, "Do you think you'll defeat Azula?"

"I don't know Zuki. I don't know." She cuddled into him. "I think you will. Then we can help her become the sister she could have become without Ozai's influence."

"Maybe." Mizuki only smiled at him before they fell asleep.


Another short chapter but we're nearing the end and I'm not good at recalling the canon story.

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