Chapter 15: Air Benders Funeral

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It had been a year. Everything was so hectic and even Mizuki couldn't find her own free time. Especially her husband.

She had gone to visit the Southern Air Temple quite often. Esen came to the Fire Nation as a diplomat. Her mind was open to many possibilities and never pointed blame at Zuko. Zuko did blame himself though. "There they are!" Esen grinned. Tal smiled slightly. Mizuki pulls Esen and Tal to greet her husband and friends. "Today's the day." Aang looked solemn and lost in thought. "Hey Aang, are you ok?"

"I'm fine. Really. I think this'll help me." Aang anxiously holds his left wrist where Lilian's bracelet was. "It'll be ok Aang. We're here with you." He nods and gives a deep sigh. Some other monks greeted them. "It's heart warming to see all four nations coming together to share in this special occasion." Mizuki looks up at her husband. His hair was up in the normal topknot. It had grown longer and reached past his ears. "We have lit the fire and have everything ready." Aang nods. "Your friend, Fire Lady Mizuki, has been such a wonderful help." Aang looks at her. She shrugs.


Monks help in the ceremony. Monk Gyatso's body is left. Mizuki let's him take a minute before asking him to bring his body to the fire. She leaves to the fire and Zuko wraps his arm around her. His face is melancholy. "I can only imagine how painful it still is. We never truly get over someone's death. We just mourn and learn to cope with the pain." Zuko nods.

"He needs this."

"He does." She mumbles.


Aang brings Monk Gyatso's body to the fire. Esen holds Tal's hand. Tal grips her hand tighter. They all stare on sadly. The ashes are put into a pouch and the ashes of the other monks are taken to the bisons. Aang holds Monk Gyatso's pouch close to him. Mizuki sits on Appa's head. Aang sits next to her. He looks about ready to cry. "It's ok to cry Aang. You're not weak for crying." Aang nods and rests his head on her shoulder. "I miss him."

"He was like your father right?" Aang nods. "I don't pretend to know your pain, I can only sympathize. Don't bottle up your emotions Aang. We're all here for you." The bisons take into the air. The ashes are scattered in the canyon. Mizuki turns around on Appa's head to look into the saddle. Zuko is comforting Aang who looks sadly at the pouch in his hand. "Take my spot Sokka."

Sokka nods and sits on Appa's head. Mizuki sits next to Aang. "I'm ready." He puts on a brave face and scatters the ashes. Mizuki looks at Monk Gyatso's spirit and finds something familiar in him.

"I'm sorry." Aang cried. "Don't be sorry Aang." Mizuki rubs Aang's back. "You are familiar young lady."

"Me? Oh I'm Mizuki. Fire Lady to the Fire Nation and Zuko's wife." She motions to Zuko. Gyatso nods. He looks surprised for a second when seeing Sokka. He smiles after and looks back to Aang. "Take good care of him Mizuki." Gyatso says to her. She nods. "I promise."


They spend the rest of the day in the Fire Nation resting. Mizuki curls up on her bed. She frowns and walks to Aang's room. Something just told her to go there. Everyone but Zuko was there. "Do you guys know where Zuko is?" Sokka shrugs. "He mentioned he had work to do." Mizuki frowns and walks halfway across the palace to the war room. She opens the doors and Zuko's having a meeting with the council. "Fire Lady Mizuki, what a pleasant surprise." She smiles warmly at the council and walks up the steps and sits on Zuko's right hand. "What are you doing here?" He asks.

"You're working yourself thin." She whispers over to him as the council continues their meeting. The meeting was terribly boring to her but they were remaking the education system for the nations children. She also drags Zuko to Aang's room. "No more Fire Lord for the evening. Just Zuko."

"At this point I don't know which ones which." She frowns. She takes Zuko's crown out of his top knot and helps him take of his Fire Lord clothing. "Guys!" She smiles. They look up at her. "What's up?"

"The sky. No but seriously. Do you guys want to go to the roof and watch the sunset while eating junk food?"

"Yep!" Sokka is the first to agree. They climb to the roof while Mizuki gets loads of snacks for them. Zuko takes the food from her and hands it out while she climbs up. They huddle together watching the sun set. They tell stories and laugh. They're teenagers again. Just for that moment in time. Not ambassadors, leaders, or teachers, just teenagers.

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