Chapter 3: The North Pole

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The very next day she was out in the healers hut with some children learning to heal with her water bending. Sure the Northern Water Tribe was sexist but she didn't think they were this sexist forcing her to learn healing and not defense or offense with her talent. She diligently watched and listened though. At the end of the class she was pulled aside by the teacher. "Your the Princess correct."

"I... yes?"

"Wonderful! Oh what's this?" She looked at the amber pendant. "Oh... my fiancé gave this to me when we were young."

"How lovely." The woman smiled. "Let us take a walk Princess." Mizuki smiled politely and as they walked she learned more about her parents relationship. They had hid their relationship for years before Azulon had found out. Kazan begged Azulon to allow him to marry Akua. Azulon agreed saying that their eldest, male or female, would marry into the royal family. The eldest would be Mizuki. The youngest didn't have such pressure. Their wedding was one from a fairy tale. Blues and reds mixing to make purple. She smiled when the lady talked about Akua and how she raised her two children. Akua stayed in the Fire Nation until a few weeks before the banishment bringing her youngest with her and leaving presents for the Royal family.

Mom has such a nice heart. Mizuki thinks. No wonder where I get it from.

She went back to the palace and talked to Yue. "Is being engaged scary?" Yue asked her suddenly. "Hmm? Why do you ask Yue?"

"Be-because I'm engaged."

"Oh! To who?"


"You don't love him do you?" Yue shook her head no. "Engagement for me was stressful. I mean I still technically am. I was sent aboard a ship with Zuko and left my father and any other family I had behind. I watched over him with all the care and love I could give. Uncle watched over me and Zuko. I grew close with him. We became the best of friends. I could calm down his nightmares and panic attacks and he held me when I cried for missing my family. I... I grew to love him. Then I left him... he must hate me for leaving. I miss him so much my heart aches and my soul feels as if a part of me is missing." Yue looked at her in awe.

"Wow, you two must be soulmates!" Mizuki shrugged. "Maybe the spirits choose us for each other. I don't know but I do know that I would do anything to protect him."


The next few weeks dragged on slowly. Mizuki was slowly growing to regret coming to the North Pole when Team Avatar arrived. She hugged the three of them and smiled. "You look like a QUEEN!" Katara squealed. Mizuki and Katara squealed together and bounced. "I missed you three! I'm sorry I left so soon."

"Apology accepted, it's nice to be near something familiar at least." Sokka grumbled. Mizuki chuckled.

At the feast that night she sat next to Aang. Euna was seated next to her. Then her mother and father. While the Water tribes disliked the Fire Nation they seemed to love her father. Probably because he had Water Tribe beads in his hair despite his topknot. She watched Master Pakku demonstrate with his students and felt an urge to learn from him. She said to her mother, "They're quite good." Her mother nodded but the normal sweet smile turned sour. "Mom?" Akua sighs. "When I was a young Princess I found I could water bend. I tried to get my father to allow me to train to protect myself. Instead I learned healing. I then traveled the world. I had run away from home. I learned quick though and one day in battle I had met your father. Wounded and beaten up he nurtured me back to health. My father soon found I had be secretly seeing your father and was angry. Seducing the enemy how dare I!" Akua chuckled. Euna and Mizuki chuckled too. "He eventually agreed to have us married. Your father begged Fire Lord Azulon who, with a heavy heart, agreed to have us married. Two weddings actually. One for the North and one for the Fire Nation. Then we had you and Euna. These have been some of the best years of my life. You two are my pride and joy. My two strong water benders. Both born from opposing nations." Mizuki and Euna looked at each other. "I feel terrible for leaving Zuko now." Mizuki admitted to her family.

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