Chapter 13: Sozin's Comet

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Today was the day. Aang had gone missing a day before the comet but she had hope Aang was somewhere out there.

Zuko was able to amend ties with Iroh and she had met Pakku again. Who was happy to see her, Sokka, and Katara. Apparently Pakku is marrying their grandmother. He made her a new betrothal necklace and everything. She thought it was sweet. Maybe she could have a similar necklace carved by Zuko. She could hope that would happen. Mizuki found those necklaces so beautiful.

So here they sat during the day of Sozin's Comet. It was only hours away. She listened to Iroh talk about their destinies. "Should I go with Zuko, Uncle?"

"What do you think?" He asked her softly a smile in his eyes. "I think, that our destinies have been intertwined for a reason. That together we will take down Azula from ascending the throne." He nodded. She watched as everyone got ready. It was going to be a long day. Katara was coming with them. She was happy about that.

She sits in Appa's saddle thinking about Esen, Tal, Coro, and Rengi. Where were they? What were they doing? Were they ok? Were they safe? Maybe they were going to the Southern Air Temple with that other colony. Maybe they were on Kyoshi Island riding the Elephant Koi Aang had told her so much about. Her thoughts switched to Aang. Was he doing ok? Was he ready to face Ozai? Was he even still alive?

She shakes her head to rid her mind of these thoughts. She needed to focus on what was happening in the now. She uses the water from her water skin to create different shapes. A little practice hurt no one. "Princess Mizuki may I talk to you." It was Master Pakku. "Of course Master!" She slides down Appa's side to get to him. They walked a bit from camp to talk. "You have come so far in your training. I can tell from the way you hold yourself. You are a true master." She smiles. "Watch after that Prince will you. He'll need your help."

"Of course. Can I ask you something though?"

"Very well." She sighed, "Do you think we'll be able to quell Azula?"

"There is no time to think on the possibilities Princess. There is only time to do or die." She nods with determination rooted into her expression. They walk back to camp and they're ready to depart. She gets on Appa and sits beside Zuko. "Today, children, destiny is on our side." Iroh says. Mizuki smiles. They say goodbye before flying off.

She looks back at Katara. "Come sit with us." Katara shrugs and joins them. "Are you guys scared?" She asks hesitantly. "Most assuredly." Zuko says. They looked at him shocked.

"But you seem so... I dunno... chill?" Katara tries to explain. "As Fire Nation Royalty showing any sign of emotion is weakness. Besides anger and pride." Zuko explains. Mizuki makes a face. "Well today we're going to let the world free."

"Freedom. Such a foreign concept." Zuko mutters. Katara just stares at him. "How come you've never told us any of this."

"It didn't come up. I also didn't want you guys to worry about me."

"Well I'm worrying and you can't stop me." Katara says. Mizuki grins. They fly in comfortable silence after that. Katara had went back to the saddle to rest before their fight. Mizuki joined her. She looks up at the orange red sky and sighs. Her bending was weaker due to the comet but even still she was very powerful.

They land in the courtyard of the palace to see Azula. Her bangs cut uneven. A sick grin on her face. Stance off. She's wavering. "Azula we don't have to fight." Mizuki tries.

"No! We do! You and me brother a showdown that was always meant to happen! Agni Kai!" Mizuki felt dread seep into her veins. "Your on."

"Zuko you know she's playing us. She can't take us three on one so she's separating us."

"I can't explain it, but she's slipping."

"Really can't explain it. I can. She's mentally unstable." Mizuki hisses to them. "Who knows how deadly she'll be." She says after a few seconds. "Azula's deadlier when she's stable." Zuko says eyes narrowing at Azula. Mizuki sighs. "Come on Katara. Let's hide." Katara nods.

They stay out of the way as they watch the siblings fight. Mizuki is in awe of the two different colors clashing. Blue and Orange. Opposites. Just like the siblings themselves. "What no lightning? Afraid I'll redirect it?" He taunts. Mizuki and Katara peak out from hiding. Mizuki decides, "Nope." and is about to move away when she sees the lightning coming right at them. Zuko gets in the way jumping to catch it. At least he redirects some of it. She thinks numbly before trying to go forward and help her husband. Lightning is shot at them again. They have to dodge. She tells Katara to fight off Azula. She hides behind a pillar observing Azula on the roof. "I'd rather have the family physician look after little Zuzu if you don't mind." She says before shooting lightning at a pillar Katara once was at. Mizuki hides. She heard water splash and waits for the sound of fire. She looks out and sees Azula completely focused on Katara. She sprints to Zuko and flips him onto his back.

She uses the water in her water skin to heal Zuko's chest. "Come on, come on. Please don't be dead. Please don't be dead." She can feel the tears and doesn't try to hold them back. Zuko coughs slightly and she looks up at his face. "Thank you Mizuki."

"I should be the one thanking you." She says. Belatedly she realizes Katara coming over to them. "Where's Azula?" She asks. "I tied her down. Oh thank the spirits you're ok." Katara smiles at Zuko. "Nothing a little healing couldn't fix." He grins slightly. "You worried us." He groans as he tries to get up. Mizuki glares but helps him up anyways. "Take me to her." They help walk him over to Azula. It's now they she realizes just how far gone Azula is. She's throwing a temper tantrum. Fire coming out of her mouth. She sobs too. Mizuki frowns slightly. The one time Azula shows any sort of emotion it's when she's too far to be reached and saved. That kills Mizuki inside.

"I guess I couldn't help you after all, Azula. I'm sorry."


Mizuki must feel insane guilt eating at her.

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