Chapter 11: Full Redemption

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After Zuko and Sokka returned with a giant Fire Nation air ship Mizuki knew exactly where they had been. "So sneaking into the Boiling Rock. Not the dumbest thing you've done in your 16 years of living Hot Head." Mizuki pokes the side of Zuko's head. "I sorta had to." He smiles sheepishly at her. She rolls her eyes.

"I'm still upset from a couple days ago anyways. I'll explain tonight at the campfire." He nods and kisses her cheek. She lets Sokka and Katara have their family bonding as she tells Zuko a small recap of what happened over the past few days.

Later that night she sits everyone down for story time to recap the funeral of the Western Air Nomads. She uses water to recap some of the moments. She turns it into ice to show a picture of the bodies of nomads piled with zero respect in a corner. Sokka almost pukes. Suki gasps. She had been told that's what her name was. She continues retelling the events to even show Lilian and Rihan's bodies. Including Aang placing Lilian and Rihan's bodies into the inferno. Katara looks at Aang who is looking at the bracelet of Lilian's.

"It was amazing to see their spirits. I have never felt closer to spirituality then I did in that moment. It was also incredibly sad. So many died during the attack. So many lives lost and gone. But not completely. Their lives live on in the air benders we see here today and those living in the colonies. Even we carry on their spirits inside of us. I can feel that they'll be watching over us with a smile. Maybe even playing Pai Sho." Aang smiles at that. Mizuki makes the ice into Rihan and Lilian. "When we find a beach I want to make a glass sculpture of Nun Rihan and Lilian for you Aang." Aang looks up at her.

"I'll make one of Monk Gyasto too." Aang chokes. "Mizuki you don't have to do that."

"I want to. A little something to be always reminded of their love for you." Aang smiles at her. Mizuki smiles back. "I'm very happy I get to be here with all of you." Zuko looks down. Mizuki looks worriedly at Zuko. "It's ok, Zu. He forgives you."

"But I can't forgive myself." Zuko mutters to her. Mizuki's heart drops. She says nothing but holds Zuko's hand.

The next day Azula attacks. Mizuki watches as Azula's face turns from happiness to anger when she sees Mizuki. Mizuki doesn't let that hurt her though. She watched as Zuko jumps off the temple to get to Azula. Her heart stops for a split second. She doesn't let herself cry. She gets on Appa as they were going to blast a way through the ships. The others leaving down a cave.

Zuko and Azula where fighting. She was holding her breath. She just couldn't help but worry about Zuko. The two are sent off the ship and Zuko let's himself fall without worry. Katara grabs him. He grunts as he lands on Appa. Mizuki looks over at Azula and her eyes widen. "She's not gonna make it." Zuko says. They watch as she propels herself to the cliff side and uses her hairpiece to stop her fall. "Of course she made it."


They find themselves camping out. Mizuki can't help but feel nostalgic of the first time they camped together or the few times after that. "To Zuko, who knew after all this time he'd be our hero!" They cheer. "I don't deserve this." Zuko smiles. Mizuki eyes Katara. Katara rolls her eyes saying, "Yeah you don't." Mizuki frowns. Katara resembled Azula. Zuko needed her approval. He wants to be a good older brother for once. Mizuki knew that much. She watches as Zuko walks after her. She lets them talk.


A few days later Zuko and Katara return but Katara seems different. Quieter really. Mizuki asks Zuko about it. "She didn't kill him." She puts the pieces together and smiles. "Good to know. Revenge is never the answer."

"You sound like Aang." She giggles. "Well I have been hanging out more with Aang. Teaching him some Fire Bending techniques I picked up on from you and Iroh."

"Seems like you have started to become a full master gaining wisdom from other elements."

"Like Uncle said." Zuko smiles and hugs her kissing all across her face. "My-" kiss "beautiful" kiss "water bending" kiss "wife." The last kiss is placed on her lips. She giggles. "My handsome fire bending, Fire Prince, future Fire Lord of THE Fire Nation, husband." They stay in each other's arms basking in the moonlight. They only pull apart when Aang comes up to them. "I have to say Zuko, your not as bad as I first imagined. It's obvious in the way you care for Zuki. She can't stop talking about you during practice." Mizuki blushes and scratches the back of her neck. Zuko looks at his wife with wide eyes.

"I may blabber on about you." He face palms before sighing. "Hey Mizuki, can you leave me and Aang for a few minutes. I need to talk to him." Mizuki nods with a smile. "Don't be too harsh on him." Zuko smiles and watches her retreating figure. He turns to Aang. "So what do you plan to do when you face my father." Aang stiffens. He never thought of that. "I'm not sure."

"You'll figure something out. You're a smart kid." Aang glows in the compliment but still can't help but feel dread pool in his stomach.


Shorter chapter because I got lazy.

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