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Zuko & Mizuki's Playlist

Stargazing - Kygo, Justin Jesso
"And I will still be here, stargazing, I still look up, look up, look up for love"

Arms Open - The Script
"I can't unfeel your pain, I can't undo what's done, I can't send back the rain, but if I could I would, My love, my arms open"

Numbers - The Cab
"Out of the 7 billion people in this world there's only you"

00:00 (Zero O'Clock) - BTS
"Ooh-ooh and you're gonna be happy
Ooh-ooh and you're gonna be happy"

Paper Planes - Elina
"All our dreams and all our desires
Are paper planes in front of our eyes
Everything we've always believed in
Will it hold us back?
'Cause love is harder than it used to be
And life is nothing like we pictured it
Who are we to blame ourselves for moving on
To become someone"

Champion- Fall Out Boy
"If I can live through this, I can do anything."

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