Chapter 7: Day of Black Sun

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Zuko had discovered that Roku was his mother's grandfather and that good and evil were always at war with each other inside of him. Mizuki was just glad her husband realized his destiny. He had talked to her about it several times in private. She was also glad that he wasn't that upset over the discovery.

"Will you come with me to help Aang?" He muttered. "Of course. I follow you wherever you go. Come with me to the Turtle Duck Pond and relax."

"Thank you for staying by my side." She smiled at him. "Thank you for staying by my side." He smiled at her and kissed her sweetly. She dressed in a more casual outfit before they went to the pond. "Shouldn't you two be in the bunker?" Azula asked them. "I could say the same thing to you." Mizuki smiled. Azula sat with them. "Why here of all places?"

"It's a fond memory for us." She looked at the baby turtleducks as they quacked. "Should we name him?" Mizuki asked Zuko. Zuko nodded as the turtleducks waddled into Mizuki's hands. "How about Sir Quackalot!" Mizuki giggled and nodded. "Sir Quackalot it is."

"You two are dorks." Azula rolled her eyes and gave Mizuki a side hug before leaving. When the couple left they could see the moon in the sky. "Let's hurry." They changed into training clothes and went to find Ozai. Mizuki waited outside the metal door.

She could definitely hear them talking

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She could definitely hear them talking. Zuko was talking about his abuse as a kid and it broke Mizuki's heart. Zuko rarely opened up about this and when he did he was always angry. When she heard the lightning she thought the worst. But when Zuko opened the door a little frazzled but overall fine she breathed a sigh of relief. "We need to go." They ran out of the bunker and to a war balloon Zuko had stolen. He helps get the balloon up in the air and Mizuki water bends some water into her water skins and sits down on the ground making sure if Azula saw them she wasn't seen. It would just hurt her more and she might attack them.

Then she decided instead of Zuko going to find the group she would. "Uh guys I think a girl is coming towards us."

"A girl?" Katara questions. They turn and find Mizuki in red and black with two Water Tribe water skins. "MIZUKI!" Katara shouts and runs to hug her. "You're okay." Katara looks at her and then notices her hands. She had a Fire Nation amber ring to match her amber pendant now. "Ok what happened?"

"Well... I suppose I should let my husband explain but you guys hate him so I'm here to mediate."

"Husband? Zuko???" Katara looked bewildered. "Yeah."

"You married the enemy?" Sokka was angry. "Uhm... yeah? I've loved him since we were kids." Sokka takes the ring and Mizuki gasps and grabs it before he can break it. She clutches it preciously. Her heart shattering. Aang lifts her off the ground and gives a kind smile. "Congratulations Mizuki. I'm happy for you."

"Thank you Aang. At least someone is happy I'm happy." She frowns at the Water Tribe siblings.

"We're trying to protect you from a monster." Katara explains. "He's not a monster. He was misguided. Uncle Iroh helped him. Even I did. Back in Ba Sing Se he wanted a new better life. That was until Azula filled his head with lies. The kind of redemption she offered was not what he wanted or needed. He said after a war meeting that it wasn't him in that room. It was the "perfect prince" to his father. He always wanted his father's love and approval. You'd do the same if you were in his shoes."

Aang placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "It's so nice to see you again Mizuki."

"You too Aang. You're not that goofy kid from the North Pole anymore. You're a stronger wiser boy. Oh! I should tell you Zuko wants to train you in fire bending."

"What!" Katara yelled. "No way!" Sokka said. Mizuki winced and put her ring back on. "Just think about it. I'm gonna go be with him now. He surely needs the emotional support. You're the Avatar, Aang, your word is final and what you think is best for you and your training then go with it. But I can tell you, Zuko is a changed man. He's not as angry as he was before and is a kinder gentler man. I understand he has made many mistakes in his life but struggling was his teacher. It's all our teacher. We learn from our mistakes unless we're too blind to the consequences. Just think it over. I'll come tomorrow with him."

"Why couldn't he come now?"

"You would have attacked him first chance you got and I would have killed you." Mizuki said matter of factly. "I mean this Mizuki girl isn't lying when she said that."

"Oh! Who are you?"

"I'm Toph, Twinkle Toes' Earth Bending Master."

"You must be the strongest in the group besides Aang." Toph grins wide. "I like this girl." Mizuki smiles and bows to them before walking off. Katara looks to Aang who looks lost. "I think we should trust Mizuki's judgement. She's known Zuko his whole life. She's been engaged to him his whole life. Spent three years looking for me with him. I trust her so I'll learn to trust him."

"Aang you can't be serious!" Katara starts. "He stole my mother's necklace!"

"He attacked our village!" The siblings continuing listing things. "I'm just saying, Mizuki seemed honest."

"Oh yeah she was being honest. Honestly there's no ounce of hate in that woman's body from what I can tell." Toph said.


Mizuki went back to her small camp with Zuko and cuddled up to his side. "What did they say."

"Katara and Sokka were heavily against it. Aang seemed ok and this Toph girl likes me. She's pretty fun."


"Aang's Earth Bending Master." Zuko nods. "Thank you for doing that Zuki."

"You know I'd do anything for you Zu." Zuko pecks her cheek. "You don't have to do everything for me."

"Well I like to lessen the load of stress on your shoulders. Oh... by now I think Azula has seen my note."

"You left her a note?"

"I wanted to say goodbye. So I left her a note in her room. I know she'll think I betrayed her and our nation. Honestly this is to help our nation." Zuko nods. "I'm glad you agree."

"Zuko, I'm a Water Tribe girl, I'm a Fire Nation girl, good & evil aren't necessarily black and white. I'm a good person. I failed you long ago, this is my way of helping you. When it comes to helping the Avatar though I don't know how much a Water Bender will help. He already has Katara."

"But he trusts you." Mizuki can only nod. She decides instead of doubting herself and her abilities she'll do whatever she can to help Aang and his friends.


Mizuki is Zuko's backup. She'd do anything to protect him and help him prove himself worthy to those he's wronged in the past.

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