Chapter 4: Azula

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Mizuki tried on her new dress and smiled. She liked the black, red, and gold. She walked into the room that Iroh and Zuko were talking in and back hugged Zuko. "Hello Uncle, Zuko." She smiled. Zuko turned to her and looked at her outfit and blushed. "You look... beautiful." He turned around to hide his red face. Mizuki smiled brighter. "Hello brother, Uncle, sister." Azula said letting her presence be known.

"Hello Princess Azula." Mizuki bowed politely. "Please in a year's time you'll be my sister-in-law." Azula smirked at her. Mizuki chuckled. "Maybe four years."

"What are you doing here Azula."

"What? Can't I come see my brother? Ugh anyways those years out on sea really taught you no manners. Dad regrets your banishment, he wants you home." Mizuki thought on that statement. Azula always lies. Rang in her head. She cautiously said, "Fire Lord Ozai wants Zuko back? But he doesn't have the Avatar."

"Avatar, no Avatar, he suddenly realized family was important to him.... well?"

"I'm sure Zuko needs to think this over Azula." Mizuki smiled. Azula sighed. "Well come to the dock tomorrow if you change your mind." Mizuki nodded. Zuko was in complete shock. "I haven't known my brother to be the forgiving type." Iroh said. Mizuki nodded.

"Maybe you don't know him as well as you think you do." Zuko said harshly. Mizuki looked between the two she wanted to add her own advice but choose against it in case it upset Zuko even more. Zuko said some pretty harsh things before storming out. Mizuki looked worriedly to Iroh who shook his head sadly. Her shoulders slumped.


The next morning Zuko and Mizuki were walking down the steps when Iroh called, "Wait for me!"

"Uncle you changed your mind."

"Family sticks together." Mizuki gave Iroh a look before looking at the gunmetal ship. It had been ages since she was on a ship, let alone a royal ship. She holds her pendant for good luck as they walk down the remaining steps. As they walk up to the ramp Azula gives a small smile. "Uncle, brother, sister. We are ready to depart. Captain set a course for home."

"Home." Zuko mumbled.

"You heard the Princess, raise the anchors, we're taking the prisoners home." Mizuki glares at Azula. Azula shot a deadly look at the captain before Zuko pushed him out of the way. "You lied to me!"

"Like I haven't done that before." Azula grinned. Mizuki and Iroh fought of the soldiers. "ZUKO! LET'S GO!" Iroh yelled to him. Mizuki quickly grabs her water skin from her pack and bends water into it making sure none of the guards were conscious or Azula was watching. She watched Iroh redirect lightning at the cliffs and grabs Zuko. They start to run. They run upstream and stop to catch their breath.

"You alright?" Mizuki asked. Zuko took his knife and cut his hair. He hands the knife to Iroh. Mizuki watches as their hair flows down the stream. "You go pretty unnoticeable with your black hair and blue-grey eyes."

"Maybe we should go back to the North Pole. My mom and dad are there. I'm sure they'd be willing to take us back in."

"We just came from a raft traveling away from the North Pole." Mizuki sighs and nods. She sheds her headdress of a Princess. She goes over to a tree a ways back and places it on it. "If Azula comes looking for us she'll find this." She then sheds her black outer dress for her white dress underneath. "Let's get going." The two nod.


"I can't keep living like this!" Zuko shouts. "Really? This is so much fun! Being away from royalty and nice things is such a breather. Honestly I felt suffocated in the Royal Palace and even in the North Pole." Zuko glares at her. Mizuki chuckles. She noticed Iroh looking at a flower and sighs. "Don't do it." She says as Zuko walks off. "I'm gonna do it."

"Uncle, please. Zuko can't loose you to a poisonous flower."

"It'll be a delicate tea!" Mizuki face palms.


"In my defense I said he shouldn't do it." Mizuki said to Zuko as he returned. "As the rash spread to my throat I'll stop breathing." Mizuki rolls her eyes. "But I found Pakui berries known to cure the sickness of the white jade planet that or-"

"We can't keep taking chances with plants. We need real help."

"But we're fugitives of the Fire Nation and enemies of the Earth Kingdom, besides Mizuki."

"If we go to the Fire Nation we'll be handed over to Azula. If we go to the Earth Kingdom we'll be killed." They nod at each other. "Earth Kingdom it is." Mizuki comes trailing behind them and hugs Zuko's arm. "I like your hair." Zuko looks away from her and mumbles, "Your dress is dirty. You need new clothes." Mizuki pouts.


Pretty short chapter but next chapter will be longer I promise!

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