Chapter 16: Azula's Back

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Mizuki sighs heavily. "I do not want to visit Mai again. Do you know what she called me?" Zuko frowns. "No."

"She called me a slut! Excuse me? The audacity! If you say we're visiting her, we're also visiting Sadao and Saiya!" Zuko nods. "It won't be that bad!"


Mizuki smiles politely at Mai who gives an expressionless face. "How about you two ladies go and talk in the parlor." Mai's mother smiled.

As they walked there Mai sighed. "I'm sorry about last month. I was angry."

"Apology accepted." She curtly replied. They sit down. Mizuki crosses her legs. "I'm sorry for being so stingy to accepting your friendship." Mizuki apologizes.

"You have every right. Zuko is your husband, your the Fire Lady, you deserve respect." Mizuki frowns. "But Zuko is your friend and I deserve to be more understanding and friendly."

"I hate to ask after all of this but do you know how Azula is doing? I haven't been to visit."

"It's been two years... she's struggling."

"How so?"

"She's very hostile. To everyone. She is no where near mentally stable." Mai frowns. Mizuki sighs. "I think it has to do with the doctors at the institution."

"What do you mean?"

"I want to take Azula out of the hospital but she is in no condition to come out because of her sanity. I also think the institution is drugging her, but I don't have evidence."

"Me and Ty Lee can go and find out."

"I'd appreciate that. I have a lot on my plate. Education is my number one priority. The students of our nation are still being fed propaganda. Tomorrow I'm going to a school in Caldera to teach the students of the repercussions of the war."

"I think it will be good for them." Mizuki smiles.


"Class please warmly welcome Fire Lady Mizuki. She is here to teach you today." The teacher said. The class bows respectfully to Mizuki. She smiles. "About how old are you all?" A chorus of 14 and 15 is heard. "You're all around Aang, the Avatar's, age."

Amazement is spread in facial expressions and whispers to friends. She takes this as a sign to continue. "How much do you know about the world outside the Fire Nation or even within the Fire Nation." The teacher looks hesitant to hear their responses.

"Very little Fire Lady Mizuki." She frowns slightly. "I see my education plan has not been implemented into the new school year. I'll have to ask my husband about that."

"Fire Lady Ma'am I heard the principal declined the new plan because it was radical..."

"Looks like I'm going to be having a chat with them later. Anyways let's get into my lesson today."


As she walks out of the school her husband is waiting for her with a bright smile and an Azula in a wheelchair. "Hello Zuko, Azula, how long did you wait?"

"Not long. Azula got out of the institution today. Mai and Ty Lee talked to me about what was happening."

"I didn't think they'd go through with my idea so quickly."

"Oh so it was your idea to get me out of that prison." Azula has a look that Mizuki can't decipher. "Shall we head home?" Zuko nods.


"Azula! So glad you could join us!" Mizuki smiled. Azula glared at her and sat at the end of the table. Dinner that night was interesting to say the least.

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