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𝔗𝔥𝔢 big day had finally come

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𝔗𝔥𝔢 big day had finally come. All the students of the three schools gathered in the Great Hall. The Ravenclaws and Slytherins had to sacrifice their tables for the guests, meaning the four houses had to spread on the two tables. It didn't bother the two best friends, who used this opportunity to sit together.

"I heard Cedric Diggory is trying out." Goyle says from across the table, making the two turn to look at him at the same time.

"Really? A Hufflepuff? This is going to be interesting." Draco snorts, causing Elyse to roll her eyes at him. She sighs as she turns back to look at the Goblet of fire, emitting a blue light.

"Why don't you all shut it. Dumbledore is talking." Elyse hisses, making Draco roll his eyes but comply to her command. He looks forward and sees Dumbledore look at everyone as they all quiet down.

"Now the moment you've all been waiting for. The champion selection." Dumbledore shouts so that everyone can hear him in the hall. Elyse shifts forward and sits on the edge of the bench, watching with anticipation. He waves his hand over the room, making all the other lights go off, leaving the Goblet of Fire as the only source of light. The first note appears from the Goblet and he reads it in front of them. "The Drumstrang champion is Viktor Krum."

The students of Drumstrang cheer as their chosen champion stands up and shakes hand with Dumbledore. Viktor Krum looked extremely intimidating, with the dark air he gave off. Dumbledore moves back to the Goblet and another note appears from it.

"The Champion of Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour." Dumbledore announces and it's the Beauxbatons' students turn to cheer for their champion. Elyse's heartbeat increases as it's the turn of Hogwarts to have their champion chosen. "The Hogwarts champion Cedric Diggory."

"He actually bloody made it." Draco breaths out, making Elyse move back in her seat and cheer with the crowd, although not as enthusiastic.

"Should have been a Ravenclaw." She huffs, making Draco smile softly. He was well aware of her frustration with the fact that the main talk of Hogwarts was always Gryffindor and Slytherin, barely Ravenclaw.

"Excellent! We now have our three champions. But in the end only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist the chalice of champions, this vessel of victory. The Triwizard Cup." Dumbledore exclaims as the Cup is put on display making everyone cheer in excitement. Snape steps forward and looks at the Goblet questioningly. Elyse notices it and starts to look at the Goblet in wonder as Dumbledore approaches it. Another note comes out of the Goblet, causing whispers around the Hall. "Harry Potter. Harry Potter?"

"You got to be bloody kidding." Draco groans in annoyance as everyone turns to look at Harry Potter. Elyse can't help but gape at the mentioned wizard. No wizard under the age of 17, could join, but Harry was definitely under that limit. Everyone watches in silence as he stands up and walks up towards the Professors.

"Everyone dismissed!" Dumbledore shouts, before he and all the Professors leave with Harry. Elyse can't help but giggle as she stands up along with Draco and his followers. Draco looks at her strangely as she continues to giggle.

"What's so amusing?" Draco scoffs, making her shake her head as they start making their way out of the Great Hall. Goyle and Crabbe get lost in the crowd, leaving the two alone.

"The boy just can't stay out trouble. It amuses me that he hasn't died yet." She snickers, making him roll his eyes and pull her out of the crowd through a door, that leads them into a bathroom. "Whoa. Slow down, there Malfoy. I knew you had a thing for me, but so desperate?"

"Oh, shut it will you." He grumbles and Elyse notices the look of fatigue on his face, making her drop her teasing.

"Hey, talk to me. What is bothering you?" She asks softly, making him sigh and look down, which causes her to drop her hand and take a step closer.

"Nothing. I just wanted to get away from the crowd." He sighs, making her smile softly. As she playfully shoves him, and he glares her. "Stop before you break one of my bones."

"Afraid of breaking another bone, Draco? And anyway, you have 206. You can spare one." She hums, making him roll his eyes.

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