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𝔈𝔩𝔶𝔰𝔢 is making her way through the corridors of Hogwarts, holding her book for her potions class, which has just ended

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𝔈𝔩𝔶𝔰𝔢 is making her way through the corridors of Hogwarts, holding her book for her potions class, which has just ended. It was the last class she had today. Professor Snape had been particularly harsh as always during the class, but after the many years with him, she had grown to ignore his harshness and simply focus on the task. It had resulted in her receiving a limited amount of respect from him.

In today's class, he had mentioned they would be doing the Amortentia potion in the coming months. And in all honesty, Elsey was more than curious to find out what her Amortentia would reveal. Her thoughts are broken off as Luna walks up to her, with a wide grin.

"What are you up to, Lovegood?" Elyse asks in amusement, as the two girls start walking. Luna shakes her head as if dismissing her question.

"Tomorrow is the big day! Where they will be choosing the three champions! Are you not excited? Who do you think it will be? I heard that the Weasley Twins are trying to get in." Luna gushes and Elyse can't help but giggle in amusement at her friend's excitement.

It had been two months now since they had gotten back in Hogwarts and the big day was tomorrow. The Beauxbatons students had already arrived and Durmstrang students are meant to arrive later today. Tomorrow they would have a massive feast and then Dumbledore would pick the three champions from each school.

"Luna, we both know that no matter what, the Weasley Twins won't be the ones getting in. But it will probably be a Gryffindor. Never Ravenclaw. We are under represented don't you think?" Elyse muses, and Luna sighs in silent agreement.

"Would you want to take part in the Tournament?" Luna asks, making Elyse frown in thought. Being part of the Tournament was one of the biggest honours, as it only happened every hundred years. But it wasn't her kind of scene, even though her father would love her to take part.

"Hmm. No. Not really." Elyse admits as they reach the Ravenclaw common room, where other Ravenclaw students are buzzing in different conversations. Elyse moves away from them and in the direction of her room, Luna following her since her room was next to hers.

"Well, I for certain can't wait to see our champions battling!" Luna says in excitement as they both stop at each other's door. Elyse leans against her door and looks at Luna with an amused smile.

"It will be interesting, thats a certainty. I am curious to see who will be chosen." She admits, and Luna nods in eagerly in agreement. "Well, I'll see you later."

"Don't cause too much trouble." Luna giggles, already knowing Elyse was planning on visiting the Slytherin common rooms. Elyse rolls her eyes, before she steps into her room and drops her books on her desk. She removes her rope and tie, leaving on her skirt and white shirt, before leaving her room.

"Good afternoon, Elyse!" The ghost of Helena Ravenclaw hums as she floats around the student. Elyse stops at the entrance of the common room and looks at Helena curiously. "Have you studied well today?"

"Yes, Helena. I've completed all my assignments. Now I must go, someone is waiting for me." Elyse hums, making the ghost float away and she rushes out. Elyse walks past Gryffindor's golden trio, and Hermione Granger can't help but glare at her.

Everyone in Hogwarts was well aware of the on going rivalry between Draco and Harry, but no one knew of the rivalry between Elyse and Hermione. Most students assume they admired each other, as they both were one of the most knowledgeable students, but it was the opposite. The two would compete academically all the time and only Professors seemed to notice.

Elyse rolls her eyes and keeps going, making her way towards the Slytherin common room. As she walks in, she notices how packed it is and also notices the absence of the Malfoy. One glance at Crabbe, who nods in the direction of his room and she makes her way up the stairs to his room. She knocks against the door, patiently waiting for a response, when the door swings open, making her grin.

"Mr. Malfoy, a pleasure to see you among the living. How are you?" She asks teasingly, making him roll his eyes as he lets her in. She slips past him, before he closes the door and she throws herself on his bed, laying on her back.

graphic: @CarKann

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