Chapter 40

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Previously on Sparkmates Of Destiny:

"You said I can come to you for anything, so, can I get a kiss?" His optics shine with mischief.

"Don't push it" she flicks his forehelm.

"You guys are adorable" Flammus grins.

"Really?" Angel sends her an unamused look.

"What? You had a water fight and now you're letting him doze off on your shoulder"

Angel frowns in confusion and turns to the mech, only to find her statement true. Sideswipe's optics have started to droop as tiredness overtakes his intoxicated frame. She coos at his adorable state while Flammus cackles.

As the night draws to a close, the results of High Grade and alcohol can be seen throughout the base, leaving some passed out and some MIA. What happened with the rest of Team Blade while Angel and Flammus were distracted? Well, that will remain a mystery... for now at least.

When morning arrives, the aftermath is revealed, and with so many Bots hungover, the base is quite the scene

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When morning arrives, the aftermath is revealed, and with so many Bots hungover, the base is quite the scene.

The main hanger, for one, looks like a category nine hurricane hit it full force. Empty energon cubes and beer bottles litter the area, along with the bodies of those who never made it back to their rooms.

In one corner of the room, a tangled mess of black, white and yellow, lie passed out in each other's arms. Moonshine drools as she lies sprawled across Bumblebee's chassis, while the mech holds her securely in his arms.

Flat out on top of a cluster of crates, lies Ironhide, a half empty cube of high grade teetering on his lax servo, threatening to fall at any given moment. Snuggled happily into his side, lies Chromia, her helm resting on his shoulder as she unconsciously nuzzles into the large mech's neck cabling.

Dangling dangerously from the rafters, are the twins, Skids and Mudflap, who somehow managed to not only get up there, but fall into a high grade induced recharge too. Now they hang by only their peds and are, no doubt, in for a very painful awakening.

Scattered across the raised platform, various humans lie passed out on the ground, Lennox and Epps included. The two high ranking soldiers are actually cuddled together, spooning in fact. Lennox being the one hugged from behind by Epps.

As for the Bots missing, well, they retired to their rooms as the festivities came to an end. At least, that's what it looked like, but of course, intoxicated Cybertronians wouldn't just retire for recharge. That would be boring.

Let's take a trip back to last night, shall we? I'm sure you're just dying to know what else happened.


[Flashback Part 1]

By this point in the night, Jazz is completely drunk off his aft. To the point that he's decided to start up a karaoke, and he's the opening act.

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