Chapter 45

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Previously on Sparkmates Of Destiny:

"That is not my designation!" He seethes, far too close to her face for her liking, she can feel his frustrated vents brushing over her plating.

"Oh? I'm so terribly sorry, Starbucks. My mistake" she smirks in amusement, he's far too easy to rile up.

"ENOUGH! Tell me what you know!" The Seeker snaps, pulling his servo away, only to bring it back for a viscous swipe to the femme's face.

AngelBlade cries out in agony, the four deep lacerations cut deep into her face, completely destroying her visor and butchering her right optic.

"Feeling more talkative now?" He grins in satisfaction at his work.

"What do you think, Stilettos?" She grits through heavy breaths, her face throbbing with a fiery hot pain.

"Very well" he scowls. "You, Soldier, get Shockwave in here now, and be quick about it".

"Yes Sir!" The Vehicon in question, leaves swiftly to find the mech requested.

"If you won't tell me, then I'll just have to take the information myself" Starscream grins maliciously at Angel's face of fearful dread.

"If you won't tell me, then I'll just have to take the information myself" Starscream grins maliciously at Angel's face of fearful dread

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"Your methods fail to produce any results, as usual, Starscream. It is illogical that you have been of use to the Decepticon cause for any length of time." Shockwave speaks monotonously as he enters 'Starscream's Happy Little Torture Room'.

"It's not my fault the femme refuses to cooperate!" Starscream is quick to defend himself to no avail.

"This femme has a name, Dipshit" Angel scowls at his blatant disrespect.

She could argue about chivalry being dead, but there are a fair few bots she knows that still use it, her Sparkmate included. Pit, even Unicron is a gentlemech compared to these guys.

"That is irrelevant" the cyclops mech dismisses her protests.

"Wha— Well frag you too, you one eyed freak!" She fires an icy glare his way.

"Illogical. You are restrained and I have no intention of interfacing with you" the mech stares, clearly taking her sentence in a literal fashion.

"That's not what I mean, you fragger! Save that scrap for Shreks!" Angel curls her face in disguise. She knows Shreks will likely kill her for saying such a thing, but he's not exactly here to defend himself.

"I do not know this, 'Shreks', you speak of. Your comment is irrelevant" her words are easily brushed off.

"Irrelevant my aft. You won't be saying that if he shows up here" she mutters to herself.

"Elaborate" the mech demands after hearing what was not meant for his audios.

"You'd like him, that's all I'm saying" she shrugs with a sly smirk on her faceplate.

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