Chapter 39

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Previously on Sparkmates Of Destiny:

"Water fight?" Angel and Sideswipe sync while smiling awkwardly.

"You're supposed to be resting! Not running around the base making a mess!"

"Well SilverJay was the one who made me clean the wash racks" Angel justifies.


"Oh shit..." SilverJay's optics widen and she shies away from the CMO's raging optics.

The room fills with laughter as Silver tries to escape the wrench wielding medic.

Nobody speaks it out loud, but they're glad to see things are starting to return to normal after a year of depression among many of the Bots.

Later that day, AngelBlade finds herself being dragged to the main hangar, where the Autobots and some select humans have gathered to share drinks in celebration of her awakening

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Later that day, AngelBlade finds herself being dragged to the main hangar, where the Autobots and some select humans have gathered to share drinks in celebration of her awakening.

"Are you seriously using me as an excuse to get overcharged on high grade?" AngelBlade raises an optic ridge in disbelief.

"Yup" NightStar grins as she pops the 'P'.

"And any high grade is off limits to you, Angel. Not while you're still recovering" SilverJay looks at the blue femme pointedly.

"That is so not fair! I thought this party was for me?!" Angel instantly protests the medic's orders.

"You think I care? This wasn't my idea in the first place"

"Look on the bright side, Blade. You'll remember all the stupid things everyone else does" Sideswipe quips with an evil grin.

"You're right, Swipes. And let's not forget that this is the perfect opportunity for shipping. They're more susceptible when intoxicated" the shipper smirks with a mischievous glint in her optics.

"Angel, no" Flammus scowls disapprovingly.

"Angel, yes"

"Angel, I swear to Primus, if you do anything, I—" the femme in question is quick to cut SilverJay off.

"There's no use swearing to Primus and you know it. Besides, what's the worst I could possibly do? Optistar is already sailing, same with Moonbee and Unichaos. I can't initiate any ship plans for Flammus yet, the only ones in danger here are Chromhide and Silvercee" she grins at the medic's terrified expression.

"Don't. You. Fragging. Dare."

"I'm not going to do anything" she raises her servos in surrender as SilverJay sighs in relief. "Yet".

The rest of the group erupt into laughter at that, they could almost see the steam rising from SilverJay's frame.

"Enough chit chat, let's get this party started!" Moonshine hollers in excitement.

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