Chapter 36

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Previously on Sparkmates Of Destiny:

"There are a lot of things reserved only for you" she smirks teasingly.

"Oh really?" he chuckles. "Perhaps we can explore those when I arrive on Earth?"

"Perhaps we can, but you have to get there first" she winks.

"I better get a move on then" Primus smirks.

"Indeed, your femme's waiting"

He chuckles in response, holding a servo to her cheek to memorise her face. Angel leans her helm into his palm with a smile, her optics shining with adoration.

"We will meet again soon, My Beautiful Femme" he gently places a soft kiss on her forehelm.

"I eagerly await that day, My Handsome Mech" she returns the gesture by giving him a kiss on his cheek.

With those farewells, they reluctantly separate and Primus fades from her view, leaving her alone in the quiet field of wildflowers once more.

With those farewells, they reluctantly separate and Primus fades from her view, leaving her alone in the quiet field of wildflowers once more

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Beep Beep Beep Beep...

A repetitive and rather annoying beeping sound stirs AngelBlade from her stasis, eliciting whines of protest from the groggy femme as she mumbles incoherent curses under her breath. Her optics soon online to the harsh lights of the medbay, she squints painfully at the invading rays and blinks several times to adjust. Angel remains motionless for a moment, allowing her situation to sink in before releasing an exasperated sigh.

"I passed out" she deadpans to herself, her voice tired and hoarse.

Beep Beep Be—

"You're not helping!" She scolds the relentless machine while raising her servo to cradle her aching helm.

The small movement makes her cringe as her joints creak from lack of use.

"The dark stuff really did a number on me"

After giving herself five minutes to regain her senses and fully awaken, she gradually hoists herself into a sitting position.

"The mission better have been successful because I'm not going back down there" she groans as a wave of dizziness and nausea wash over her.

It's clear that Dark Energon is definitely not her friend, and she still has no idea how much the substance has truly effected her.

Ten minutes later, and she's on standing on her own, albeit shakily, but standing nonetheless. Her glossa sticks out the corner of her intake in concentration while she uses the berth she once lay upon to take a few calculated steps. When in range, she flicks the switch on the increasingly annoying machine, turning it off, and ending the constant beeps.

"Finally!" she sighs in relief at the sweet sound of silence. "Now where's Ratchet, Silver and Jolt? At least one of them should be in here"

With that thought in mind, she makes her agonisingly slow trip to find out where everyone is.

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