Chapter 69

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"I do not enjoy war, nor did I seek it. My reign began with a rebellion, and I have shown you all that I am more than capable of leading with a steady hand and head. But now, I must show mercy and grace – as well as justice. Repayment for your heartache and loss I cannot repay, as you cannot repay mine. A Kingdom cannot only have a warrior as King," Rhaegar began, standing tall by the Iron Throne. His children, Aegon, Rhaenys, Visenya, Valerion and Baelor next to him. The younger ones in the hands of maids and wet nurses, those who could stand, standing. Elia stood a few paces behind him, not where Arianne would stand, no that spot was left empty in her honour.

In front of him stood hundreds of people, packed into the Throne Room. Families of both sides, each coming to either be told their punishments or be rewarded for their loyalty.

He saw fit to announce his punishments first.

"Stannis Baratheon," the tall man stepped forward, "you are to be sent to the Wall for your rising against the crown and aid to your brother throughout the rebellion. Your brother, Renly Baratheon, will be kept here in Kingslanding – whereby he will train with our best Knights to become a Kingsguard when he is ready." Rhaegar would never forget the pain that the Baratheon name had brought to his house by supporting the Stark's, so he wanted those who defied him to know what it felt to anger him. "Your nephew and the once heir to the Stormlands, Jon Baratheon, will live here in Kingslanding."

"Hoster Tully," the aging man stepped forward, sniffing proudly and placing his hands on his belt. He was prepared to have the Riverlands taken from him, as the Baratheon's had the Stormlands stripped of them not too long ago. "Considering your age," there were snickers from the right side of the court, the side that had stayed loyal to Rhaegar. He held his hand up to silence them, "I cannot send you to the Wall."

"I am a warrior ... your grace," Hoster said, lifting his chin high. "I will die one if that is to be my punishment."

"No," Rhaegar smiled lightly, "Riverrun, the Riverlands are no longer yours. I strip you and your daughters of all titles. Your cousins, nieces and nephews shall no longer be addressed as Lord and Lady. Your daughter, Lysa Tully, is to have an education as a Septa." Hoster, who wanted to know what would happen to Catelyn, nodded. "Your heir, Edmure, is to be sent to Castle Black and squire for the men of the Black there. He will take the Black when he is of age." That, Hoster did not agree with.

"Jon Arryn," Hoster stepped back, and Lord Arryn stepped forward. It felt as if Rhaegar was calling for hours, but he was only getting started. "You betrayed your King, and for that I take the Eyrie from the Arryn's. You had a choice to answer the call of our house, and chose to side with the rebellion," Jon hung his head low, "you are to take the Black."

Gods, the Lord Commander at Castle Black will sing when he hears of the new recruits coming his way.

"Eddard Stark," the room fell silent as Ned stepped forward, hands behind his back. His hair was unwashed, like that of many lords around him. They had been imprisoned while Rhaegar figured how to punish them, and unfortunately, bathing was not a luxury afforded to them. Ned pursed his lips, wanting to apologise for the death of Rhaegar's wife, but it was too late now.

He had tried to help her, but there was only so much he could've done under Brandon's watchful eye. Ned contemplated blurting out of his aid for the past Queen but thought against it. "Your grace."

"Your brother slaughtered my wife-," Rhaegar held his index finger up as he noticed Ned opening his mouth to object, "as if she were a lamb and he a shepherd." Ned felt hundreds upon hundreds of eyes fall on him, he felt ashamed, no, dirty. He had warned Brandon not to be hasty, warned him to think through his actions and now Brandon would not be the one to pay the consequences of those actions. "The Stark's were the leaders of a rebellion that could have ended had your brother heeded our words for peace once my father had passed. We all know he was not one to negotiate with, but I was. Your brother promised many things, to kill my children, to kill my wife – of that he succeeded, to kill me and end the Targaryen reign, to take the North back and went as far to name himself King. You are to take the Black with your brother. Catelyn Stark will be educated to become a Septa, like her sister. Your nephew ..." Rhaegar forgot the babe's name.

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