chapter eight.

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a/n: hey everyone!! sorry if there was a bit of a wait, i've been catching up with school work and figuring out more ideas piece by piece of what i'd like to do with this story. i know i'm thinking very ahead but it's good to have a clear point of what i'm trying to build up to :)) i hope y'all enjoy! ALSOooO- I HAVE RECIEVED ART FROM the_gays_are_coming AND ITS AMAZING, ART WILL BE AT THE END OF THE CHAPTER <33333


words: 6088

(y/n)'s pov~

after reaching the higher floor of the sludge room and witnessing coomer explode to appear right behind gordon a few seconds afterwards, i continued to listen to tommy's rambling as i shot down a few peeper puppies with bubby.

"do you see how safe all of this is?" he asks all of us as gordon and i watch a peeper puppy corpse fall into the sludge due to bubby kicking it out of his way.

"yeah, it's all safe, it's all safe," gordon agrees, sarcasm evident in his voice.

"this is- every- every nuclear power plant is like this! every- all of them!"

"that's really cool that you know that, tommy! now c'mon, we've gotta catch up with bubby before he sets something on fire," i tell the tall man, beginning to walk in bubby's direction.

"shh, sh, sh," i turn and see gordon putting a hand in dr. coomer's face as he's talking, aiming his gun at nothing.

"gordon-" i try to reason with him again.

"not now, (y/n)," he quickly cuts me off, aiming again and taking the shot.

"damn- okay then," i mumble under my breath, turning around again and walking over to the two men on the other side of the railing.

i hear a second shot that didn't sound as close as gordon's first one, "OH MY GOD- HE SHOT ME BACK!!"

"gordon, what the hell is going on?!" i ask him, now slightly aggravated.

"are you guys- you guys- you guys don't hear that? you guys don't hear that?!"

"what are you shooting at dr. freeman?" tommy asks him, sounding almost equally as done with gordon wasting his bullets.

"if it makes you chill out a bit, i heard two shots-" gordon quickly appears in front of me and puts his hand on my shoulders, staring deeply into my eyes.

"thank you for being here, thank you, thank you, thank you," he spontaneously praises, shaking me back and forth a bit.

"okay, okay- gordon?" i say to him, putting a hand over his and fighting my feelings to stare right back into his green eyes, "i believe you. there is probably something there, okay? but we need to get goinggg," i tell him, beginning to drag his arm towards the direction of the exit like a child would.

gordon blinks at me a few times before i see his face start to relax, walking along the path with me. tommy makes sure gordon is all there in concern for him as we keep walking down the path. we make it over to a now very irritated bubby, arms crossed and tapping his foot in impatience.

once we're all together, we hop over the broken platform that gordon had shot down beforehand and walk into a hallway, where we spot a scientist that looked slightly like tommy slouched down, bleeding on the floor.

"hey! oh my god, are you okay?" gordon asks the man in worry, running over to him.

"oh my god.." bubby says with a grimace, silently judging the man.

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