chapter six.

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a/n: hey everyone!! i don't have too much to say here other than enjoy the chapter :))


words: 7530 (HOW-)

(y/n)'s pov~

" benrey, is the black mesa sweet voice teachable or-" i ask aloud, stopping when i realize he's disappeared once again, "oh, that asswipe," i mumble under my breath, "benrey this isn't funny, i'm not playing hide and seek with you right now!"

no answer.

"h-har har dude, very epic. can you get your jumpscare over with?"

absolutely nothing.


my heart started to pick up its pace when there was still silence, accompanied by far off screeching from what must've been a crab. i realized he wasn't trying to mess with me; he left me here, alone. what if the rest of the group isn't coming this way? did he know they wouldn't come here? the more i thought about it, the more stressed out i became. even when my eyes had adjusted to he dimly lit room, i was still frozen in place thinking about what i'd do all on my own.

i whip my head around in fear when i hear a series of loud bangs coming from the vents after a few minutes of internal panicking. i start calming down when i hear the mumbles of gordon's voice. it was very faint but due to his volume it was still very noticeable. after a few minutes, the grate breaks open and i'm met with the familiar face of gordon. i let out a breath i didn't know i was holding when the rest of them emerge from the vent as well.

"hey guys! i was almost getting a bit worried i was gonna be alone for a while." i turn my head to the side in embarrassment.

"how did you get here? i had to break the grate to get us in and there wasn't any other way around from the vents," gordon questions.

"well i was going to say benrey- i dunno.. warped? me here, but i just realized he-.. kinda bailed on me, i guess," i explain, getting a little upset at the last bit when the situation starts to kick in.

"he ditched you here by yourself? for how long?"

"uhm.. i can't really tell how much time but it felt like a long time," i tell him, rubbing my arm as a way to comfort myself.

"that asshole! i'm sorry (y/n), i should've- i don't know.. i wish i-"

"gordon, there isn't anything you could've really done at that point. i'm just happy you guys found me, i don't know what i would've done if you didn't," my tone became more soft-spoken and vulnerable as i talked.

i'm suddenly engulfed in a warm embrace by gordon, his arms wrapping around my smaller frame. i feel the weight of all the stress start to fall off my shoulders and i hug him back, muttering the smallest 'thank you,' to him.

"i know you're friends with that cop and i won't force you to do anything, but i'd stay away from him if you can. he's got some- grudge against me for who knows what the fuck kind of bullshit that doesn't even have anything to do with me not bringing my passport and-.. and i don't want you getting hurt because he thought it'd be funny to screw you over," he rants, quieting down at the last part.

"you're.. you're right. i really shouldn't be putting this much trust into him,"

gordon pulls away and gives me a sympathetic smile, patting my back a bit. i let out a small exhale, giving him the best smile i could manage before turning to the others. they were all smiling at me, spewing one reassuring thing after the other. i wasn't able to hear 90% of it due to all of them talking over each other but i guess it's the thought that counts. i finally start to laugh and tell them to chill out, making the atmosphere much lighter than it was before. gordon runs off, screaming at dr. coomer when he gets stuck in a ceiling creature when bubby and tommy approach me.

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