chapter seven.

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a/n: kvdijfkughugyfv i'm sorry for exciting some of you guys last chapter :,) shoutout to the few of you that re-read the story and leave more comments (y'all know who you are) and i want to say i loVE YALL SO MUCH YOUR COMMENTS MAKE MY DAY <333 i hope you all enjoy :)))) <3


words: 5656

(y/n)'s pov~

i let out a short exhale as i feel myself come out of my dream that i can't quite remember, little snippets of colors and people quickly flooding away from my mind. i lay still for a moment before letting my eyes slowly open.


i'm met with.. a desk about a few feet from where i'm laying. i drowsily attempt to look around the best i can but there's an unexplainable grip that keeps me from moving around, along with a strange feeling of something slightly heavy resting on my forehead. i'm able to take a peek at the floor that my cheek is still pressed up against.. it's not the cold concrete of black mesa or gordon. it's the cool texture of wood flooring. my face scrunches up in confusion.

'where the hell am i? am i still dreaming?'

i move my arm when i realize there's something strange with my hand; it's already occupied. i try my best to lift my arm closer to my eyes to see what i have and find some sort of controller. my mind is racing with thoughts- where the group is, why i'm here, where i even am right now.. i try to lift my head when the pressure from my forehead comes sliding down onto my eyes and-

...and i'm in black mesa again. i blink a few times, staring at nothing to try and process whatever the hell happened in the short period of time i was.. awake? asleep? i look around, seeing all the scientists resting in the dark silo. my eyes fall down to gordon, who's arm was lazily wrapped around my torso. he was still fast asleep, his chest slowly rising and falling, letting out small breaths. i start to calm down at the sight, lying back down and pulling my coat higher up to warm us up.

i look at my empty hand, opening and closing it; studying it like it was one of the most interesting things i've ever seen. i study each finger before placing my hand to my forehead. 

all i get back is the feeling of my skin.

 over my eyes.

nothing out of the ordinary.

i let out a soft sigh of defeat and let my head rest against gordon's chest, feeling it rise and fall and hearing the soft beat of his heart. the moment quickly begins to feel more sentimental, making soft feelings start to emit from my heart. it picks up its pace when i hear gordon sharply inhale, his arm pulling away from me to stretch. i turn my head to make out some of his face that was scrunched up in sleepiness, making me smile.

"morning," i quietly mutter to him.

he stays quiet for a moment and stares straight into my eyes in silence before replying, "uh- good- good morning," he says back in a hoarse voice, stammering, "how'd you uh- how'd you sleep?"

"surprisingly not that bad, especially speaking that i was sleeping on concrete. probably because i had you with me," my eyes widen as i blurt the last part out, "i- uhm- ah, how was yours?" i quickly say, attempting to take the attention away from my words prior.

"i slept alright too. you're uh- you're really warm,"

we both let out light laughs before falling into a comfortable silence again.

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