chapter two.

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a/n: aghh i'm hoping i can get this chapter up same day as i'm writing it (8/18). i won't be updating everyday as i'm doing now but i'm really enjoying writing this for all of you, i hope you guys enjoy the content as well :))


words: 3653

(y/n)'s pov

after giving gordon one more reassuring smile, we focus back to the task at hand. gordon ducks down under the broken elevator doors and stands on the ledge, gesturing for all of us to follow his actions.

"you guys go first, i'll watch your backs. make sure none of those fuckin'- freaky creatures and ghouls-"

"well, nothing ventured, nothing gained!" dr. coomer exclaims before speeding up the ladder.

 i crawl in last, watching the guys hurriedly rush up the ladder.

"holy shit, they're just flying up!" gordon mutters under his breath with astonishment.

i giggle at his reaction, though also being surprised at their speed. i look over at gordon and he's peeking over the edge, staring at the lifeless bodies at the bottom with a grim look plastered onto his face. i bring his attention back to me and shake my head, once again reminding him it wasn't his fault.

"(y/n), gordon, you need to get up here right away!" we hear dr. coomer shout to the both of us.

we hear the noises of the creatures, making us both panic, "gordon, you go up first, i'll only hold you up if i go in front," i tell him.

he's about to reply but dr. coomer's panicking and me lightly guiding him to go up the ladder has him obliging quickly. i follow behind him immediately, having to use only one hand due to not wanting to risk an infection on my other hand. my hand wobbles when i grab onto gordon's ankle instead of the ladder bar. my heart starts to race when i hear the noises gradually get louder from behind me.

"what the hell is the hold up, guys?! keep going before these fucking freaky things make me fall!" i say, clearly panicked.

"uhhh- i'm afraid of heights!" bubby shouts back, fear ridden. 

"go a little bit faster! i'm holding onto your legs, i'm pushing you up!" gordon says to him.

i barely hear them as i'm looking below me, a good distance off the ground and one of the crab-creatures crawling up the ladder to me. i let out a yell as i grip tightly to the bar with one bar and swing myself around to kick the thing off and down to the dead bodies. i feel the adrenaline rushing through my body, panting a little before turning back around and rushing up the ladder as fast as i could.

tommy pulls me up the last bit, seeing the obvious look of stress on my face, "are you feeling okay, (y/n)?" he asks me.

i slightly nod, managing a smile for him, "hah-.. yeah. just a bit overwhelmed, i'll-i'll be okay."

he gives me one more longing look before we all start walking again. we go a little ways ahead before finding another guard.

"hey- hey, do you know- do you know this guy?" gordon asks the second guard. the guard starts to go on a rant with gordon.

"can you believe this guy doesn't have his.. fuckin' passport?"

the subject obviously makes gordon fed up, "please don't talk to him. please, just be quiet for a second. do you know who this is?" he asks pointing to our guard, "do you know who this guy is? i've never seen him on the job in my life-"

passports (hlvrai x reader)Where stories live. Discover now