Chapter 44: For You

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*4 months later*

*Nishinoya's POV*

The spring air was brisk and chilly. Blossoms bloomed on the trees overhead, gently flittering to the ground, creating a fluffy bed of pink petals under our feet as we walked.

I lightly rubbed my thumb across the back of her hand and intertwined our fingers as we strolled through the neighborhood. Glancing to the side, I caught the squint in her eyes as she smiled beneath her mask.

My heart fluttered. Jeez. How does she still do this to me? She's so damn beautiful.

I'm so excited for the surprise I planned for her tonight. Back at the Kageyama household, her brother was helping me set up a fancy little candle light dinner.

Since the pandemic broke out, I have been staying at the Kageyama's, but due to restrictions, we haven't been able to get out of the house very much. And well... for both of us extroverts, it's been hard to cope with. We are lucky enough to video call with our friends that live further away, but it has been difficult to stay motivated. So, I wanted to do something special for Y/N and keep our hopes high during these tough times.

Even though quarantine has been difficult, I think it has been good for Y/N's recovery process. Someone is always able to be there with her during meal times and it forces her to cut back a little on exercise. Also, with her weight and body composition fluctuating from recovery bloats and eating proper meals, she can wear comfy clothes and elastic waistbands without the worry of having nothing to wear when going out. Once she becomes more normalized with meals and exercise, her body will start to level out at a comfortable set point, where then she can determine what size and style of clothes fits her shape best.

And what has surprised me most of all... she has quit martial arts. Yes, you heard that right. She quit the sport she loves. Why? Because it became too toxic. The constant checking of her weight and being surrounded by girls who starve themselves and become unwell just to make weight has taken a toll on her mindset to the point where she began to not enjoy competing anymore.

So, what will she do instead? Volleyball. And when we can finally go back in person... she's gonna dominate the court. Forget being fourth in the country for fighting. This is girl is going to be first in the country for volleyball... as a libero of course.

From proper nourishment, she has so much more energy now. Probably even more than me.

Almost everyday Y/N, Kageyama, and I practice volleyball in the backyard. Somedays even Sugawara or Hinata come over to play. With such great teachers, Y/N is excelling in all the volleyball positions and with her new found energy, both her power and speed have increased as well.

bzzz bzzz!

I checked the home screen of my phone.


Perfect timing. We just finished our usual walking route around the neighborhood.

Like the gentleman I am, I opened the front door for Y/N. "After you," I gave her a wink and motioned for her to enter the house.

After removing our shoes, jackets, and masks, we headed into the living room. Mere seconds later, Y/N let out a surprised gasp. "Omigod Yuu! How did you pull this off?" She smiled brightly and her eyes gleamed with wonder as she interlaced her hands in mine.

With each step she took, delicate red rose petals cushioned her bare feet from the wood floors. The pathway of petals trailed through the living room, leading into the kitchen. Tea lights lined the path, bringing a natural hollowed glow to the walls. The flickering flames allowed just enough golden light to illuminate Y/N's figure. Her dark, raven hair brushed the center of her back, gently swaying with each step, leaving me enthralled and mesmerized by her beauty.

At the end of the pathway, a table was set. Placed atop a lacy white table cloth were two tall candles and one skinny crystal vase holding a single red rose with silvery glittered tips.

Two place settings were prepared. Each with one plate of gnocchi alla vodka and a bowl of caesar salad. (A/N: Yes yes I know they're in Japan. Just give me second to explain)

As we took a seat at the table, I watched as Y/N's eyes lit up at the sight of the food. "This looks and smells amazing!" she exclaimed. "Where did you buy the food from?"

"I figured we should support the local businesses," I explained. "There's this little Italian restaurant called Trattoria Aldini."

The light never leaving her eyes, she put a hand over her heart, "Trying new food...eep! This is so exciting and so nerve wracking at the same time." She paused, tearing her gaze from the food to meet my eyes, "I love it!" A wide smile spread across her face.

I love seeing her happy. I love making her happy.

"Thanks so much for this, Yuu!" She reached across the table to hold my hand once again.

If it's for your happiness,
If it means I see that smile,
Then I would do anything for you.


*A/N: Well clearly I already miss writing this story... and the last chapter sucked... so here's a cute lil chapter.
Hope u enjoy :)

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