Chapter 28: Babysitter (Part 2/3)

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Kageyama's twin
And you are all gorgeous


*Sugawara's POV*

I twirled my house keys around my index finger, letting them jingle with each rotation. Catching them in my palm, I focused my attention back to the small blue eyed girl who's been staring at me with big puppy dog eyes for the past ten minutes. "All ready to go, Y/n?" I desperately tried not to giggle over her impatient appearance.

She nodded eagerly, "Yes yes yes!" she exclaimed, almost too excitedly.

As soon as I opened the front door, she bolted out of the house like a dog chasing a squirrel.

"Hey. Get back here, you! No running!" I called out to her.

She skidded to a stop once she reached the end of my front yard and hung her head low as she waited for me to catch up.

Shutting and locking the door, I strolled up next to her and gave her a light pat on the head. "Good girl." I smiled at her, but all I received was a scowl in return. Creepy. I can really see the resemblance now. She looks just like Kageyama.

"Give me your hand," I commanded her.

"Why...?" She folded her arms across her chest. I stand corrected. She's more like a sassy Kageyama.

"Don't give me an attitude, missy. I just don't want you running off again, okay?" I've never seen her act like this before. She was always so sweet and kind. Her energy emanating at the same capacity as Nishinoya or Hinata.

Reluctantly, she took hold of my hand anyways and I intertwined our fingers as we started to walk away from the house.

Why is she acting this way?
Does she feel uncomfortable?
Chained down?

I know with my sister at least, her first two months really took a toll on her. Her body changed, her view towards food was confused and contorted with society vs reality, and most of all, she felt like she was losing a piece of herself. She held onto her eating disorder because it offered her comfort when the going got tough. It truly was the cruelest way to mask pain.

Being thin was her identity. Once the soul is thin the body follows, depleting self love and self worth. It is hard to eat more, even a simple bite at a time because it's difficult to listen to the part of the self that wants to stay alive and be loved. But that underlying belief was slowly stripped away.

Eventually, the pieces linked together. She began to realize that she was more that just her disorder, but she discovered the person she was inside. What made her shine. What made her unique and lovable and outstanding. And once she understood that, she flourished into a beautiful young lady filled with knowledge and positivity.

Y/N and I walked hand in hand for a good twenty minutes before approaching an extensive, well kempt park, bordered with trees and vegetation, carpeted with luscious green grass scattered with clovers.

We walked up a narrow dirt path, widening as we grew deeper into the park. The wind rustled the leaves. Birds chirped, whistling merrily to each other. Children ran excitedly through the open areas of the field, laughing and squealing. Their mother entering through the squeaky gate not too far behind them. A few paces back, the light pitter patter of an older couple slowly straggled.

"Awe, Takumi, look how cute that young couple is," a not so quiet whisper erupted from behind us.

Y/N's cheeks flushed bright red as I just let out a blaring laugh over how easily she got embarrassed.

She gave my arm a violent whack. "Ow! Y/N!" ... yet, she didn't let go of my hand. In some way, somewhere deep inside her, she knows she wants to recover. Right now, she is just fighting to overpower that voice telling her otherwise. Whether she realized it or not, holding my hand was providing her a sense of comfort by knowing someone else was there to fight along side her.

We sat down under a large cherry tree, sheltering us from the sweltering summer heat with its canopy of shade. Sitting side by side, our backs against the rough tree trunk, and our hips nearly touching, we silently enjoyed the fresh air and observed the many people who strolled by.

"Y/N?" I questioned softly, suddenly feeling the sadness flow into my heart like a tidal wave.

Noticing my sudden change in mood, a friend in distress, Y/N's previous attitude vanished immediately, replaced by its usual caring one. "What is it Suga?" her voice filled with concern as she knitted her eyebrows together.

"Back at the hospital..." I took a deep, shaky breath. "While you were unconscious, someone had to dress you into the hospital gown." I felt my cheeks glow pink. "Since I was the only one allowed to stay with you at the time... I was in charge of doing that." I grew nervous as I got to the question I've been curious about since that night. "Y/N-Chan?"

"Yes, Suga?" her voice still with a hint of confusion.

"Are you aware of how frail and ill your body looks?" I asked, beating around the bush.

Her expression also changed to sadness as she reached for my arm, interlocking the crook of her elbow to mine. "Once. I saw it once," she began. "I looked in the mirror. My skin pale. My collar bone sharp. My arms the size of twigs. The notches of my spine lined my back... but still, when the doctor told me my BMI... I didn't believe it. I couldn't see it." She sighed. "But even if I myself don't see it yet. I know I have to do this. There's so much more to life than a number on the scale or the size of the clothes I wear."

I slung an arm around her as she rested her head against my shoulder, reminding me of that time, not so long ago, when I first discovered her eating disorder. "I used to be scared for you, just praying you'd make it out alive. But now I know I shouldn't be. You are so incredibly strong and determined. Probably even the toughest girl I've ever met." I let out an audible sigh. "So this too shall pass and you will one day have the pride to say you survived it all." I thought for a second. "No, not just survive. You're gonna kick anorexia square in the face. And once she's gone, you'll thrive."

I felt her squeeze my arm tighter and nuzzle her face against the fabric of my shirt. "Thank you for believing in me, Suga. I'm glad to have such an amazing friend like you in my life."

And just like that, a soft smile returned to my face, the sadness dissipated, and relief washed over me.

She knows it.
I know it.
I'm her best friend.
Not her babysitter.


*A/N: I need some feedback, has there been too much Suga?

This is really steering away from Nishinoya x reader and I feel terrible. I should have written these chapters as Nishinoya instead. Sorry reader-chans! Chapter 30 - Noya baby will b back in full bloom

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