Chapter 13: Peaceful

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*Y/N's POV*

I hung up with Tōru and immediately called Noya, "Hey Noya, how are you doing?" I asked.

"I feel a little better, but I still just feel drained and disappointed in myself," he spoke sadly.

"Awe, I wish I could be there right now to give you a big hug. I can tell you need one," I spoke comfortingly.

"Honestly, that would make me feel a lot better. At least with the drained portion. I'd still be angry at myself though," I could literally feel him pout through the phone.

I paused for a second before speaking again. This is definitely a bad idea and I am not giving it enough thought, but I'm gonna do it anyways. "Noya. I'll see you in ten. Bye." I abruptly hung up the phone, headed downstairs, and threw on a pair of flipflops.

I heard a bing from my phone as I headed out the door.

Noya 💕
You don't have to do this
Please be safe
You realize it's 10pm right?
I'll check in again in 10
If you aren't here yet

He's so sweet. Tōru's right. He really cares about me.

About halfway to Noya's house I started to feel a little dizzy. After intensely working out for a long period of time today, along with my malnourished body, I was starting to feel it. Only 5 more minutes. I can make it.

Once I arrived at his house, I texted him to come let me in, afraid I'd wake his family if I rang the doorbell. Moments later, Noya emerged from the front door. "Y/N-Chan!" He whispered yelled, motioning for me to come inside.

I followed behind him into the kitchen. "You okay Y/N-Chan? You're really pale. And you almost look worse than I am."

"Gee thanks, I look the bad, huh?" I asked teasingly and pouted.

Flustered, Noya turned red and frantically waved his hands, "no no no, I didn't mean-."

I cut him off, "I was just teasing," I placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled.

Letting out a sigh of relief, Noya asked, "Do you want a glass of water or something. You do look really tired. I feel bad you came all the way out here."

"Wait! I almost forgot why I came here!" I whisper shouted. I pulled Noya into a tight hug as he lifted me off the ground a little and hugged back just as tight.

Setting me back on my feet, he spoke, "Thanks Y/N." After what seemed like eternity of staring into each other eyes, Noya cleared his throat, "I'm gonna get you a glass of water." I just nodded my head in response as I sat down at the dining table to wait.

Noya came back with two glasses of water and sat down next to me, but turned his chair to face mine. Copying his actions, I turned my chair to face him as well.

I decided to speak first, "You know... I think I lied to Tobio. I told him that in martial arts, I don't have a team to back me up. Although I don't have anyone else to physically back me up in the ring, I have a whole team of support behind me. My coach is there to direct me and help me improve my game. And my friends and teammates are there to cheer me on."

"Hmph. So it sounds like he was worried about the same thing I was. Feeling like he let down the team?" Noya asked.

"Precisely. I think you all feel it. But you guys are a TEAM. You work together. It's not one person's fault or responsibility," I spoke looking him in the eyes. I didn't even realize he was holding my hands until I stopped talking.

"You're right. I think I just need to let it sink in. How about we do something to distract our depressing thoughts for now?" Noya suggested.

"Sure. Like what?" I asked.

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