Chapter 14: Healed

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*Noya's POV*

I woke up to the blinding sunlight pouring into my room. Squinting my eyes, I searched the bed for Y/N. Sure enough, she was still there sleeping peacefully next to me. It was almost intoxicating how her chest softly rose up and down as she breathed.

Last night, when Y/N fell asleep, I was originally going to set up a futon for her next to my bed. But 1) That's not as comfortable as my bed. 2) I was too afraid I might accidentally wake her up while moving her to the futon. And 3) I was too tired to move her. Plus, if I just kept her on my bed... I can sleep next to her.

Suddenly, Y/N began to stir next me. Her eyelashes fluttered and she opened her midnight blue eyes.

"Good morning sleeping beauty," I smirked at her.

She rubbed her eyes and smiled, "Morning Noya. Sleep well?"

I felt my grin grow wider as I gave her a wink, "I had a wonderful sleep since you were with me."

She rolled her eyes and responded groggily, "I guess I missed the end of the movie. And because of that, I had to take up your bed. Sorry about that," she groaned, clearly still half asleep.

"Nah I didn't mind having you in my bed at all," I spoke as she rolled her eyes again. "I just didn't want to wake you. You looked really peaceful."

She nodded her head softly as she sat up. "I should probably head home before school so I can change into my uniform," she said looking down and inspecting her outfit which consisted of my shirt fitting oversized on her small stature and covering her shorts.

"How about you stay for breakfast first. Then you can go," I suggested.

"Eh, sure. Why not," she responded, now fully tossing off the blankets and hopping out of bed, stretching her arms above her head.


While Noya was preparing breakfast, which he refused to share with me what he was making, I checked the messages on my phone. Surprisingly, there was just an 'ok' from Tobio in response to me staying at Nishinoya's. But from Tōru... there were 5 messages and 3 missed calls. Wow.

How's it going w the libero?
Any good news?
Heyyy don't ignore meee
Fine! Text me in the morning.

Well, better later than never, might as well respond to him now.

I uh actually stayed overnight

Excuse me what!
Little Y/N ... i need details!

Sorry sorry
I went over last night
We talked a bit
He gave me a shirt to sleep in
We watched a movie
I fell asleep
Enough detail?

Eeeeee! He gave you his shirt
How cute
I bet you looked cute ;)

"Y/N!" Noya called out to me. "Breakfast is ready."

I left the living room couch to sit down at the dining room table, now displayed with stacks of pancakes, 2 plates, utensils, and some various toppings.

"Oh wow! This looks great Noya. I'm sorry I didn't help," I exclaimed.

"Ah no it's cool. I enjoy eating breakfast," he flashed me a smile.

Blushing, I took a seat next to Noya and plopped a pancake on my plate. Cutting a small piece off the edge, I was about to take a bite, but Noya gasped loudly, causing me to focus my attention on him instead.

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