Chapter 39: Illuminate

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*Y/N's POV*

"Y/N wake up.."



"Agh! Okay! I'm awake! I'm awake!" I squirmed a bit and opened my eyes to find a Nishinoya Yuu straddling over my body, eagerly waiting for me to awaken.

"You need something?" I asked groggily, rubbing my eyes.

"Last day before school starts. Let's do something fun!" He cheered, grinning ear to ear.

"Yeah, uh huh. Sounds great," I mumbled out as I flipped over, struggling to rip the covers out from under Yuu and proceeding to sink my face into the fluffy pillow.

"No no no! Get up! We don't have much time!" Yuu exclaimed, pulling on my arm as he desperately attempted to drag me out of bed.


Suddenly, my stomach let out a loud growl and Yuu stopped tugging on my arm. "Wow, sounds like you got a monster in your stomach!" He laughed. "Don't worry. My mom is actually making us waffles right now."

"Perfect," my response muffled into the pillow.

"If you want waffles, you gotta get up first missy."

Letting out an exasperated groan, I finally flipped back over to face him, squinting my eyes from the blinding sunlight that flooded the room.

My sensitive eyes finally adjusting to the light, I was met face to face with Yuu's overly bright, but adorable little smile

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My sensitive eyes finally adjusting to the light, I was met face to face with Yuu's overly bright, but adorable little smile.

Aware that I was now fully awake, he seized both my wrists and hoisted me up into a sitting position. However, as I attempted to scoot out from under the covers, Yuu unexpectedly slung me over his shoulder and fireman carried me out of the room.

Alright... I have legs you know...

But... I didn't retaliate, I know better not to argue and just let it happen.

Sigh. I love my boyfriend... but he sure keeps me on my toes.

... wait did I just say love? Uhhhhh Ummmm...


As we entered the kitchen, the sweet aroma of buttermilk waffles and maple syrup filled my nostrils.

Yuu carefully placed me back on my feet and called out to his mom, "Good morning! We're ready for breakfast!"

"Already on the table," she responded, sending me a sweet smile.

"Thank you, Mrs. Nishinoya!" I gave her a 90 degree bow.

She blushed immediately and waved me off. "Oh what good manners you have, Y/N. But please, you can drop the formalities," her smile broadened. "I'll be your future mother-in-law after all."

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